So a lot of y'all says that Byul will be an alpha but I think Byul will be a omega. This is only based on some of the dialogue I've read in some chapters so I'm not sure too. So first when the babies of the family which is Hamin and Hakyung really likes Byul even though Dojun thought they both hate babies - Chapter 49 And the second one was when Byul sat on the lap of Dojun he said that "It feels really different from when I carried Hamin and Hakyung" -Chapter 75 Soo, I think he's an omega that's why all of them liked Byul so much and Most Likely a Dominant Omega. AGAIN THIS IS ONLY WHAT I THINK SO PLEASE DON'T HATE ME IF HE TURN'S OUT TO BE AN APLHA!!