akai'sbldemise created a topic of Jinx

Yk damn well the nxt chapter dan is about to get smacked and fucked raw no lube

akai'sbldemise created a topic of Bungo

i keep coming back to this manga its just so fuckinggg goooddd

akai'sbldemise created a topic of High Clear

When authors don’t know how to create plot they just put rape or abuse. Like mf just let it be wholesome for once

akai'sbldemise created a topic of Jinx

Now wtf was dat. Kim dan can u fucking wake up

I wish there was another chapter of them living together For 10 years, just to show that they are doing something right and prove that sonofabitch dad

He still loves his dead wife? While kei is making life changing commitments??? The story is like 7/10

akai'sbldemise created a topic of Touch Up

A green fucking flag ass seme ik thas rightt

akai'sbldemise created a topic of Jinx

The weather is fucking cold and ain’t got no one to cuddle with, to add fuel to my fire every fucking manhwa is all getting too cuddly BUT THEN THERE IS JINX WITH ITS DAILY TOXICITY. NEVER CHANGE JINX NEVER CHANGE

akai'sbldemise created a topic of Night Song

Lawd wtf is dis butterflies I am about to die from butterflies in my heart

I want nin nin to go through angst…he makes my baby hikaru way too anxious

akai'sbldemise created a topic of Our Sunny Days

In a world of boys he’s a gentleman

akai'sbldemise created a topic of No Moral

Dear lord please grant me the grace to see them fuck naked with lightsabers

Issa good read not 10/10 due to some plotholes but people should definitely read it

akai'sbldemise created a topic of My Suha

Since this fucked up can anyone suggest me story like the second couple but with happy ending

akai'sbldemise created a topic of My Suha

Nah yall fuck this i got spoilers and fuck everything

akai'sbldemise created a topic of Full volume

Both the bottoms graduated from harvard with a degree in cuntology

akai'sbldemise created a topic of My Suha

Naurrr redhead redemption arc better exist. This side story keep me going. So fuckin toxic but funლ(´ڡ`ლ)

So many mangas have so much pote To be like 30 above chaps but they jus cut it shortt. This one needs another volume bruh ╥﹏╥