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Abusement_Park October 11, 2024 12:43 am

"we need complex main characters!" but yall can't even handle jaekyung -.-
yeah he's an d!ck but aint no way he's worse than other red flag mcs

    YourMochi October 11, 2024 3:32 pm


    LaufeysLauver October 11, 2024 6:27 pm


    Yoyo October 11, 2024 11:01 pm


    Akaito October 11, 2024 11:24 pm

    Jaekyung…is not complex. The depth of Jaekyung is a drop of water on my table. At least so far in the story. The couple of MCs that are bigger red/black flags that people have directed me to have displayed much more range as characters in like, half the amount of chapters that Jinx is

    Akaito October 11, 2024 11:26 pm
    Jaekyung…is not complex. The depth of Jaekyung is a drop of water on my table. At least so far in the story. The couple of MCs that are bigger red/black flags that people have directed me to have displayed mu... Akaito

    Me personally when I say he’s a worse MC I mean that he’s worse written. Obviously like, chaining people down and/or killing people is worse than physically, emotionally, sexually abusing someone but. LOL

    KerenVela October 12, 2024 5:33 am

    Being violent about everything I'd not being complex bro's only personality trait is the equivalent of hulk smash and even hulk is more complex

    Shiki October 12, 2024 5:47 am
    Jaekyung…is not complex. The depth of Jaekyung is a drop of water on my table. At least so far in the story. The couple of MCs that are bigger red/black flags that people have directed me to have displayed mu... Akaito

    Just one thing : STOP READING.
    I don't wanna see your comments here when ss2 starts. Also applies to everyone else. Ty.

    YourMochi October 12, 2024 7:55 am
    Being violent about everything I'd not being complex bro's only personality trait is the equivalent of hulk smash and even hulk is more complex KerenVela

    Bro forgot its season 1 only and we only saw Dan's pov

    Akaito October 12, 2024 12:51 pm
    Just one thing : STOP READING. I don't wanna see your comments here when ss2 starts. Also applies to everyone else. Ty. Shiki

    Just for this I’ll comment even more <3 like who are you, a cop? The Jinx Judge? LOL. Yeah no I actually want to see how season 2 plays out and how the author handles things. I’ve several times acknowledged the thing isn’t done yet and that certain elements of this webtoon might develop and/or be explored more and I want to see if it happens and how.

    Akaito October 12, 2024 12:57 pm
    Just for this I’ll comment even more <3 like who are you, a cop? The Jinx Judge? LOL. Yeah no I actually want to see how season 2 plays out and how the author handles things. I’ve several times acknowled... Akaito

    Like hmmm maybe I SHOULD do my detailed rereading sooner so I can make my “Jaekyung is a weakly written character, here’s how we could’ve pushed him further” post with more concrete evidence. Though I don’t even need to reread to think of and remember things off the top of my head. What do you think? I think it’ll be fun

    Shiki October 12, 2024 2:03 pm
    Like hmmm maybe I SHOULD do my detailed rereading sooner so I can make my “Jaekyung is a weakly written character, here’s how we could’ve pushed him further” post with more concrete evidence. Though I d... Akaito

    I'm tired of your stupidity :33 why are you talking like that about a character that didn't even have its development, also we only got Dan's point of view. If you become to like the character (which is gonna happen sooner than u think like most of the ppl), I dare to comment : "I regret what I wrote till now, jjk is s tier seme blablabla" something like 65 lines like only you can write

    Shiki October 12, 2024 2:08 pm
    Just for this I’ll comment even more <3 like who are you, a cop? The Jinx Judge? LOL. Yeah no I actually want to see how season 2 plays out and how the author handles things. I’ve several times acknowled... Akaito

    Comment more? You mean you can do more than you currently do? We'll soon have to scroll pages and pages to find ours then.

    Ye, none wanna see your comments here when ss2 starts. If you're still here, admit you like it or stop reading.
    "It's my opinion" : YES/NO isn't an opinion but a position, you can go deeper.
    Criticism : if not constructive, they are not needed.
    And if you're the type to wait characters development to appreciate semes, then you know how it works, so wait in silence, that makes you a fan dude nothing else.

    Shiki October 12, 2024 2:09 pm
    I'm tired of your stupidity :33 why are you talking like that about a character that didn't even have its development, also we only got Dan's point of view. If you become to like the character (which is gonna h... Shiki

    I dare you* :33

    Akaito October 12, 2024 3:38 pm
    I'm tired of your stupidity :33 why are you talking like that about a character that didn't even have its development, also we only got Dan's point of view. If you become to like the character (which is gonna h... Shiki

    You’re calling ME stupid meanwhile you’ve not actually read and understood any of what I’ve been saying. I’ve said several times that I acknowledge things could change between season 1 and season 2, that Jaekyung might get decent character development. But as it stands right now, I don’t think he’s well written. I think there are some fundamental flaws in the execution and portrayal of his character that can’t and likely won’t be amended in a second season—not without it feeling like an ass pull.

    The fact that we haven’t gotten the barest hint of who he actually is beneath his violent, hypermasculine front or why he behaves the way he does IS part of the problem. I know all about slow burns and mystery in stories, but even those have their ebbs and flows of character and relationship development, even if it happens at a snail’s crawl. Even those drop hints about what’s going on beneath the surface, enough so we as readers become curious enough to want to find out. With Jinx, however, Dan and Jaekyung’s characters and relationship has hardly really changed at all. So no, I’m not gonna lie and say he’s an S Tier Seme or whatever even if he gets better writing, because I don’t think he could reach that level given what we have so far.

    Akaito October 12, 2024 3:51 pm
    Comment more? You mean you can do more than you currently do? We'll soon have to scroll pages and pages to find ours then. Ye, none wanna see your comments here when ss2 starts. If you're still here, admit you ... Shiki

    Well I want to see my comments here and others have liked and agreed with what I’ve said, so…

    Anyway, I’ve said frequently that I think I AM a bigger fan than some of you who call yourselves Jinx fans because I’m actually taking the time to engage with, think about, and understand what I’m reading. I’ve also said that there were/are elements of this webtoon I do enjoy. But your thinking is too black and white to consider there can be someone whose interest in something can be more nuanced than simply being a fan or a hater. You can like something and still be critical of it. You can be critical of something while still acknowledging what it does well. It doesn’t always cleanly make you one thing or another thing.

    Like what is the epic own you’re trying to get here? You want me to admit to a secret undying love of this webtoon? Obsession, yes—things that had/have potential but drop the ball and continue to do so do tend to uniquely capture my attention. It’s a pattern of behavior of mine, I won’t lie. They piss me off because they disappoint me—I could’ve, maybe should’ve, loved this thing, but it didn’t live up to my expectations at all. I really do feel that way about Jinx.

    And be honest with yourself, Shiki—if I actually articulated not only the things I don’t like about this webtoon, but also how I think those things could be done better, would you actually acknowledge or read and engage with them? Because I’ve done it so far, several times. And whether I praise or condemn the webtoon, all you’ve met me with is “too long, didn’t read.”

    Shiki October 12, 2024 8:56 pm
    Well I want to see my comments here and others have liked and agreed with what I’ve said, so…Anyway, I’ve said frequently that I think I AM a bigger fan than some of you who call yourselves Jinx fans beca... Akaito

    Too looooooong, bro's hobby is to write 60 lines Jinx comment section

    Shiki October 12, 2024 8:57 pm
    You’re calling ME stupid meanwhile you’ve not actually read and understood any of what I’ve been saying. I’ve said several times that I acknowledge things could change between season 1 and season 2, tha... Akaito

    More then 8 lines, I'm not reading

    Silvermilk October 13, 2024 10:57 pm
    Well I want to see my comments here and others have liked and agreed with what I’ve said, so…Anyway, I’ve said frequently that I think I AM a bigger fan than some of you who call yourselves Jinx fans beca... Akaito

    I just find it so funny that the “too long, didn’t read” you used at the end of your comment was used as a reply again Bro had no articulate response

    Shiki October 14, 2024 6:03 am
    I just find it so funny that the “too long, didn’t read” you used at the end of your comment was used as a reply again Bro had no articulate response Silvermilk

    A lot of ppl tend to respond to this guy "too long, didn't read" I'm not the only one unfortunately^^

    Shiki October 14, 2024 6:05 am
    A lot of ppl tend to respond to this guy "too long, didn't read" I'm not the only one unfortunately^^ Shiki

    S/he's used to it which is sad

    Silvermilk October 14, 2024 7:57 am
    A lot of ppl tend to respond to this guy "too long, didn't read" I'm not the only one unfortunately^^ Shiki

    Unfortunately that just means a lot of people have a short attention span since honestly it wasn’t that long I thought for this subject they articulated their argument well and had good points regarding their critique. You don’t have to, but try reading it if you want to at least understand the other’s perspective ^^

    Shiki October 14, 2024 6:51 pm
    Unfortunately that just means a lot of people have a short attention span since honestly it wasn’t that long I thought for this subject they articulated their argument well and had good points regarding thei... Silvermilk

    I've being arguing with this dude for... months, so at some point I stopped reading. I know exactly what s/he saying/thinking, I'm just saving myself from wasting my time ^^

    Akaito October 14, 2024 8:42 pm
    I've being arguing with this dude for... months, so at some point I stopped reading. I know exactly what s/he saying/thinking, I'm just saving myself from wasting my time ^^ Shiki

    Right okay so can you actually articulate any of the critiques OR praises I’ve levied towards this webtoon? Orrr.

    Abusement_Park November 24, 2024 5:37 am
    Jaekyung…is not complex. The depth of Jaekyung is a drop of water on my table. At least so far in the story. The couple of MCs that are bigger red/black flags that people have directed me to have displayed mu... Akaito

    tbh you saying he isn't complex still proves the point .. like if he "isn't complex" and yet you still can't handle him? I only wanted to highlight that Jaekyung should be given slack in the sense that his character is imperfect, which makes him interesting.

Abusement_Park April 13, 2024 4:59 pm

was also kinda hoping Jaekyung would find the other letter KimDan meant to give him with the key chain, I guess we won't know til next season ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Abusement_Park's questions ( All 1 )

Abusement_Park March 20, 2018 4:57 am

is it just me or does anyone else pronounce "mangago" like "ninjago" instead of "manga-go" ?

    Saffron March 20, 2018 5:01 am

    I used to pronounce it as Mango ga go

    justme March 20, 2018 5:06 am

    I prononce it as written literally. manga-go.

    229 March 20, 2018 5:13 am
    I prononce it as written literally. manga-go. justme

    Pshh normal people with their normal pronunciations.

    KawaiiDango March 20, 2018 5:19 am

    Isnt that how its supposed to be said.... oh wait, i just realized im stupid

    FudanshiPsycho100! March 20, 2018 5:41 am

    even though i know its supposed to be "manga go" i always pronounce it "mon-go-go" lol oops

    All-deja-vu March 20, 2018 5:58 am

    I would be glad to have someone to whom I could pronounce it ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Abusement_Park's favorite ( All 1 )

Have you ever tried quiting mangago? 11-19 07:09

Abusement_Park's message board ( All 0 )

I've officially fallen down a long, dark hole in which I will never get out of.
> 2 people followed Abusement_Park