May contain spoiler.
You’re all probably gonna hate me for this but I’m happy Jae came. We all agree he’s such a “piece of work” and deserves to suffer like Heesung said and I really think he did already (loosing his career, top physical capabilities, and peace in his day to day life). But Doc Dan, he’s also being driven to the edge way too much. He sure suffer so much with Jae but he also love him way too much. Despite being surrounded with peace and quiet and occasional company of friends and family, he still yearns for Jae. We all say it’s best for them to just be separated and live their own lives on their own but here, we can see that they have a “strange and complex compatibility” that they can be codependent on each other. So, if the only way we can have Doc Dan stay alive with us is for Jae to come back, then Jae, just this once, please get better with your jerkiness and have a character development Doc Dan, and we all, deserve!

May contain spoilers.
This is a must-read!!! The art is beautiful. The characters are well-built. I love how the author wrote both Chris and Max so interestingly and strong in both their respective persons. The sorry is just so well-written. Thankfully I read this when it was completed ‘cause they did not hold back with all the drama at suspense. I would have gone crazy if I have to wait one chapter a week.
However, one lingering question for me still is trying to figure out the disgusting Edward. Like what kind of character is he really? Why is Harry so hell-bent on giving whatever he needs? Why do they even kissed on that one chapter after their father died? Like I know he’s messed up but I feel like there’s no depth on him? Like he’s just some weird ass crying over the nasty fact of wanting Max to f*ck so hard he’ll be sent to the hospital. Argh. Retard perverted guy.
Anyways, I love every love scene of Chris and Max. It was so full of love and passion EVERY. SINGLE, TIME. they do it. Also, I like that there’s no room for the draggy misunderstanding and miscommunication part. We all know that there’s already a bigger, more complex issue ongoing so I love that both of them would always think through situations and talk about game plans. Chris isn’t just like a damsel in distress—boy knows how to fight for his love and protect!!!
So yeah 100/10!
Marking chapters 58-59 as the top most bestest love scene ever drawn that I have read so far! It’s equally erotic yet wholesome. It’s sweet and intense. The consent, the love, the passion, the dialogue, the “positions”