Fictional character its ok to be admire them if they crazy or pervert but, the difference on reality I don't like it creepy pervert or stalker if he handsome or cute its kinda disgusting if your co worker like that so scary
Some villain turn hero sacrifice there to save another person & about friendship, Alice & Mito only go back the real world but, Kiina can't back she's die because, she save alice but, I'm happy for kiina because, she have true friend thats why she's piecefully die RIP Kiina by Alice
I hate that annoying bitch she's is too noisy & saying rude the security guard hmp! why not she die first?! the mc not save because, of him
Wait what?
I don't undrstan her neither
I think she's talking about the woman who was shouting at the security guard while MC was getting kidnapped