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inaki901 January 11, 2025 9:41 pm

Nathan is such an insecure piece of shit and I know the author is not going to show him taking any blame. It's pretty easy to see the author thinks Andrew is the punching bag and it's obviously his fault for not being ready to have sex. Nathan just makes me sick, Andrew is not asking you to heal him xD not that you can anyways given how messed up you are but he just showed how he cannot have even the most basic amount of empathy for a partner he says he cared more for than jyst sex. Not him saying he gave Andrew time while not refusing that creepy artist he's literally a fucking cheater but then also holds a higher moral ground with his but-what-did-i-do-wrong attitude. This story could have been good if Nathan actually has any character development but so far the author has displaced all the blame on Andrew, he's the one begging Nathan to take him back and Nathan just doesn't seem to have a brain to think about Andrew more that 'he won't fuck me'. Really what a way to ruin an amazing story I am so pissed off.

Also for people saying but Andrew didn't communicate, your dear Nathan also didn't do shit for communication. Andrew atleast showed him through gestures he loved him but Nathan didn't do shit to convey to Andrew his sexual needs and his insecurities. Ofcourse having a private talk in front of a fuck buddy who you are cheating with is the best place to talk with your partner. Nathan just has zero emotional maturity despite being nearly 30. And his conviction to break up should have been there from the beginning xD why did he even start with Andrew at all. Just (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻

    Itzel January 12, 2025 2:38 am

    I couldn’t agree more!!!!

    Elihinata January 12, 2025 5:48 am

    Stole the words right out of my mouth, sister (⌒▽⌒) I loved this until they got off the airplane. After that? Nathan is so emotionally unavailable it just became hard to enjoy...

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