Trump has now officially only have LGB……so anyone else you’re legally just don’t exist

Google exists btw you don’t need to be educated by strangers online and form your own thoughts and opinions after doing your own research.
Let’s start with you saying “trump trying to remove t from lgbt has nothing to do with legally existing” well obviously it does. The people outside of LGB labels are excluded and therefore they aren’t recognized by LAW. So this means that no place has to accommodate for them or many other harmful consequences. Let’s use transgender people, trans women are no longer legally recognized so if they were to go to jail they would be sent to the mens prison. Where they will be targeted unlike any other. They aren’t legally recognized so If a trans or queer person were to be hate crime their case would not be taken seriously. Get that ? It’s BAD ! These people can be discriminated against even more and the abusers can roam free.
“personally, i never understood why t is part of lgbt to begin with, trans is not a sexuality.” LGBTQIA+ IS A
UMBRELLA TERM. Of course trans isn’t a sexuality it is a label. Lgbtq isn’t just sexuality’s it is used to broadly refer to all the different sexualities, romantic orientations, sex characteristics, and gender identities that are not heterosexual, heteroromantic, cisgender, or endosex under the term LGBTQIA. It is not hard at all to figure that out yourself please educate yourself more, you need it. That mother fucker trump is ruining lives.

Ahh yes because now the Defense Intelligence Agency UNDER TRUMP can no longer celebrate pride, black history month, and women’s history month. Trump blamed the plan crash on dei which your stupid brain probably doesn’t know what dei is which stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Somehow Biden also caused the crash. Now when asked if he was going to visit the crash site he said this, “You want me to go swimming?” Id be happy to inform you more on any other stupid fucking question you have.

yo its just small distinctions im trynna make here.
Anyone can “legally exist” in the way they want if it doesn’t directly effect others, it’s not suddenly a crime. The term that should have been used here is “legally protected”. trans people are no longer legally protected under federal law. (on a state level nothing changed though)
when it comes to Jail- If not recognized, trans women will be targeted, but if recognized, trans men will be targeted, there is no winning.
Yeah no shit lgbtqia+ is an umbrella term, I’m saying I don’t think it should be an umbrella term. it lumps together labels that inherently have nothing to do with each other.
thats my personal opinion and idgaf if you disagree.
but no need to hold back, you can send me dts if it makes you feel better.
im an adult so i can handle immature behavior and outlash.

Trump is the recantation of Hitler

I want my pres to be 1% of that hitler cuz he's fking coward. Mf just want a Nobel peace prize therefore basterd always manipulate casuality and disruption charts and numbers and the media ride his dick so hard that it's literally at the bottom of world media ranking even below some of the most 3rd rated south asian countries.

Everyone is about to love Trump now. Remember when he was ready to get rid of it? Only doing it for the image and the money. If you actually like Trump after this….get help

Honestly, this was absolutely his goal? Like, he was so blatant in campaigning for the ban but suddenly he’s all for free speech again? Absolutely disgusting in how they didn’t even bother hiding it. Even worse than some people are falling for it. Name dropping him in the announcement was just the cherry on top.
What is the craziest Mangago rage bait post you have seen!
not even crazy, but a "turn to jesus post" on a yaoi manhwa
u cant go wrong with "remember when we used to take our pubes and mix them with honey and eat them." absolute classic.
Back when ppl actually put some effort into ragebait. It's all lazy, uninspired racist bs now.