Missing the old uploader ngl. The author is rude af anyways and I’m not supporting that behavior. Missing you Moose

Moose was sucking so real self righteous cock on this one. I mean, if you're going to steal the hours of work the author put into this comic, how are you going to take it so fucking personal when they tell you to stop?
Yeah, go tell the next homeless person you see to die on the streets because you didn't like their tone when they asked for spare change, or better yet, told you to stop stealing their spare change.
It's an illegal site so they can and will do whatever tf they want but I don't understand the kind of uploaders who get so hostile toward the actual creators of the shit they're stealing

Watching people freaking out over a fake WEBTOON is just hilarious

well it’s still ill*gal to read this here even as an adult since we’re not paying for it (and since it’s an ill*gal website) but i do get your point. and i still find it really disturbing that young children/teenagers have access to smut stories like that with intercourses that shouldn’t be condoned in real life. like- you don’t know. they might think « oh in this manhwa, that guy does this so i think it’s okay if i do this too » so yeah society is fucked up.

yh well i ain’t gna like u when u tell me i’m a pedo…
i have the same opinion as yours but not in everything that’s all, ofc u shouldn’t let a child like that on the internet but i’m 17 and sadly i’ve grown up w internet so yes idc what u saying to me abt how i should go see my mama u js want to show off that ure an adult and idc

okay im js replying to this cuz u js won’t understand
1. they’re saying i’m tired cuz i told them i was and cuz it’s 5am
2. ion what this group is and i’m not part of it im just hating on jinx why don’t understand ????? if there’s a hate group then ion im wrong, if we all have the same thought maybe jinx is really bad

bah en sah oui c la faute de ceux qui ont 12ans mais fin c des p’tits ils voient ça ils se disent que c bien, malheureusement on a tous grandis avec internet dnc mtn c aux auteurs de faire attention. ils savent pertinemment que tout le monde peuvent avoir accès à ce genre de truc. après l’histoire de jinx elle est pas ouf ça va se terminer comme bj alex jk il va souffrir pcq dan il le voudra plus certainement
I don’t understand why everyone hates this, tropes like this are classic you can’t go wrong with them. Then again everyone on here is picky af.
It’s cause everyone just sees it as a knock off version of I thought it was a common isakei with a hint a doctor Elise. While there are some similarities between the two, it’s still not a copy and paste. Unlike what’s the other manhwa, none of the characters are being influenced by the previous novel and Ramaine was never a villainess, just misunderstood. Unlike the other neither of the brothers were in love with the ogfl.
So people like Killian (this version of Killian, not Edith’s Killian) are actually asshole and they have no excuse.
It is. But considering the previous troupe with more interesting plot and certainly a cold and smart MC, you can say theres nothing to be excited from this one.
I like classic stuff like this if you don’t it’s fine
I dont understand either. I mean, there are so many stories in this genre with this type of trope, that they are bound to overlap. I don't know why some people are so pissy. If it's too similar to others, then don't read it. But that means they won't be reading a lot of them bc they all are pretty much similar with some differences and special twists sprinkled here and there.