I struggled reading this with those translator notes… bro really said “daddy’s anwgy” fucking kill me now. The cringe was so unreal. Don’t translate if you’re going to write something every 5 seconds.

So pretentious for reading bl on a illegal site like get over yourself you’re taking it way too seriously it’s lighthearted satire it’s just having fun while giving people free material like you profited off the work they did now with over critical judgement upon a high horse learn to translate it yourself if you’re going to complain and to me it seems like daddy’s angwy applies way too much to you that’s why you took it personally

Yikes relax get the stick removed from your as$ have some fun it’s giving pompous and ungrateful behavior it’s was for shits and giggles not u talking shit like womp womp with that selective reply made you should do that when you read ‘yawn’ seek help bc you or your opinion were never that serious get a life and stop being at d!ck to people about what they love and enjoy the only person who thinks ur cool when you do that is ur mom
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