--thought that each chapter was a little funny at least, in some sort of twisted kind of way? But still kinda funny.
Especially the parts where the kids were all pretty much just complacent with their parent's(and in first chapter's, mother's) reactions to homosexuality? Or how the fact that they can excuse the gayness but draw the line over some other mundane thing?
No? Just me?
And the fact that each chapter is somehow related to another is quite interesting, ngl.

Even though it seems that, I've already read this long ago, but ahh re-reading this now seems like a breath of fresh air. Their line work is so nice and clean, without it feeling too stiff. The story, too, was conveyed in such a way that the art style complemented it well, and I was able to shed some tears too.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that Asada-sensei's lineart is so fucking good, I'm gonna read more of their other works

I haven't decided on the others yet, but here are three that I am sure of:
- Ono Yuuko for Daichi
He just,, fits Ono Yuuki's voice okay, and maybe he reminds me of Kagami and Josuke, so what?
- Murase Ayumu for Makoto
- Toriumi Kohsuke for Yamashita
OKAY so this may have been the best idea I've had all day, and icb I figured it out like, 3 chapters in, but once I decided, it just. Fit so well? (Toriumi-san is a great seiyuu as well, I loved him as Mista and Imaizumi the most)
Anyway, that's all I have. Feel free to share your hc's as well!
And now I'm fully invested! I can't wait for more! Kassis slowly turning into a fool for his daughter is probably the worst slowburn ever