Fuck the tan skin guy, I hate him sm, Heonjae better be end game.. ( ̄へ ̄)

Omg I lowkey forgot but they are still both really fucked up, personally I don’t want the uke to end up with either of em. I wish he would wait his time and make himself a better person instead of fucking himself over even more with guys who can’t control themselves when it comes to sex or just him breathing at them
Mc is just annoying, I want her to get raped brutally and dismembered -_-
bro you better be joking my guy
it gets to a point dude....
Wtf is happening rn
Rage bait used to be believable
uhh that was weird
Wtf nigga if you like rape that much then go get raped by old men with shriveled dicks
wtf weirdo, get a life
the fact you are 20 and you are leaving comments ab raping.. says a lot ab you, gross creaturs. I hope you will receive what u asking for
Check this niggas topic section,this retard is obsessed with rape
You will die tomorrow.
Wtf, that’s such a weird and odd thing to say
2/10 ragebait