Idk but why ya'll are hating Eren here when Levi committed the same value of crime. Did ya'll forgot that Hange warned Levi not to get close to Eren, it's also Levi fault for being careless as he order Eren to throw things. If Levi is suffering the same value of pain as Eren, But don't hate me co'z i'm definitely not in Eren side i just want ya'll to open ya godamn mind that it's also Levi's fault and we shouldn't be taking sides co'z both of them are wrong( ̄∇ ̄")

"Did ya'll forgot that Hange warned Levi not to get close to Eren, it's also Levi fault for being careless as he order Eren to throw things."
"Open ya godamn mind that it's also Levi's fault"
You are blaming him bcs he got raped. Ppl like you is cancer to the society and the reason why rape victim have harder time to report and the reason why rapist get out from punishment easily. I do not know your gender but go reflect. Rape can happened to anybody and it never the victim fault. IT NEVER THE VICTIM FAULT.
He shoe-polish his dick...
its squeaky clean now