MY god i love all of the guys
I also wish Chitra just married everyone hahaha it's such a fun twist that her first husband isnt one of the main three but actually a guy who's in a similar situation to Chitra herself!!! And the god of time line form him before the gacha?? so cool!!!!
the guardian knight is my exactly type he's so cute ack!! my heart!!!
the twins- i still see them as my kids lmao but imagine my shock without crazy and kissy they were with Chitra AHAHAHAH THE PRince's reaction sums up mine!
MARQUISS MAKES ME SO FUCKING GAYYYYYY, she'd be the type to benifit from switching religions i'm just saying and she can marry all her boys without losing anything and stuff LMAO <33
that duke who wants her as a concubine is about to get he electric chair- NO WORSE!!! SINCE HE WASNT EVEN RESPECTFUL ABOUT IT LIKE THE PRINCE!!!
The magician guy is so cute I cried at his bath scene and back storry!!!! ahh my heart!!!!
orange Icetea and Arthur's love stories are so CUTE!!!! I'm totally rooting for them!!!!
Glad Arthur was able to get the girl hehehehe!!
Mr.Butler is so dedicated and cool but as a polyam person he scares me hahaha he and Mr.Half-Elf are like- totally the stereotype of competing spouses LMAO i hope they can all oneday love and care for eachother as much as they love and care for chitra even if it's platonic to each other!!!
The prince's past with Mr.Half-elf give me hope on that!!! I hope the Prince will be able to love chitra without regrets aswell. I hope everyone can do that and live happily but it seems a lot more bad will happen
I had a funny idea that al lthe people who are being used by the 6 dukes just pack up and move in with Chitra to be under her many 5 stars' protection and become a fivestar themselves! lmao chitra becomes the escape for this new prince or smthign lmao but i doubt it maybe over time chitra's terrirtory is so great and loved that it accidentally become the capital of the country cause of how amazing it is lmao