What created a topic of Jealousy (Scarlet Beriko)

This deserves to be 10 stars!!!!! It’s a piece of art

What created a topic of Omega Complex

What does he mean by receiving omega ??

What created a topic of Surge Looking For You

I noticed all the couples in the street are straight hahahah

What created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

And he never said “I love you”…JUST WHY ???!!!

What created a topic of Checkmate(TAN)

I don’t know why but the story reminds me a little bit of banana fish

Seriously!! it’s been for months and just one chapter (/TДT)/

What created a topic of Shota Oni

SOS…I’m calling the police!!

i dont understand what habend to ji shenyua pipi???!!

What created a topic of PASSION

I really wanted to see ilay point of view in this story

What created a topic of Bride of Ignat
What created a topic of Sayonara Kyouhansha

What is this pedophilia shit !!! :)
And what the f*ck with this rates 9.3!!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!
Are you guys in your right mind!!??

What created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

life is too short and this chap too ;)

What created a topic of Little Mushroom
What created a topic of Mousugu Kuwareru Kamo Shiren

Guys I don’t know why pegs don’t open with me what should i do

What created a topic of The Crows Marriage

The story was okay But the age gap fell like pedophilia !!!and also they are cousins!!!?WTF!!