I don't remember who it was in the comments that translated roughly this chapter, but thank you so much. Thinking about your commentary while reading this chapter made me laugh so hard. Especially the part with the poor cab driver. XD
I will venture to guess that was me! cause I didn't see any other rough trans. of this chapter :D But Thank you, you're so sweet :) I'm glad you enjoyed it, I mean, the whole scene in the taxi, even with that moody and pain in the ass Google translate I was able to pick up the poor driver's embarrassment! LOL!!! I shouldn't disparage Google translate, it didn't perform too shabby (≧∀≦)
I will venture to guess that was me! cause I didn't see any other rough trans. of this chapter :D But Thank you, you're so sweet :) I'm glad you enjoyed it, I mean, the whole scene in the taxi, even with that... kyouran
I dunno how to go back and find the comments, but yes I think it was you! =D Ahahah no problem. I was also the one who commented I was THIS close *pinches fingers together* to dropping the story because I was anticipating the roller coaster, so I really do appreciate your translation, as simple as it was. =D AND YEAH OHMYGOSH at first I was like, "No way he must be whispering there's no way he'd say that for the driver to hear," BUT THEN HIS FACE. THE POOR GUY'S FACE. XD
Google translate is certainly handy, but usually when you already know a good amount of the language, hahah. =) Nope I think you did great!!!
THREE HOURS IT TOOK TO FIX THAT ONE PAGE?! Thank you SO MUCH Momoland for all of your hard work and dedication!!!! And thank you Peach Puff for your great translations!!!!! <3
I don't remember who it was in the comments that translated roughly this chapter, but thank you so much. Thinking about your commentary while reading this chapter made me laugh so hard. Especially the part with the poor cab driver. XD
I will venture to guess that was me! cause I didn't see any other rough trans. of this chapter :D But Thank you, you're so sweet :) I'm glad you enjoyed it, I mean, the whole scene in the taxi, even with that moody and pain in the ass Google translate I was able to pick up the poor driver's embarrassment! LOL!!!
I shouldn't disparage Google translate, it didn't perform too shabby (≧∀≦)
I dunno how to go back and find the comments, but yes I think it was you! =D Ahahah no problem. I was also the one who commented I was THIS close *pinches fingers together* to dropping the story because I was anticipating the roller coaster, so I really do appreciate your translation, as simple as it was. =D AND YEAH OHMYGOSH at first I was like, "No way he must be whispering there's no way he'd say that for the driver to hear," BUT THEN HIS FACE. THE POOR GUY'S FACE. XD
Google translate is certainly handy, but usually when you already know a good amount of the language, hahah. =) Nope I think you did great!!!