Yipso's experience ( All 2 )

about question
Yipso 28 05,2021
Guys. I committed a huge sin. I remember all the things I said yesterday to some users and I saw how inflamed and offended they were getting at my words. So I am very sorry and I apologize for the inconvience of me NOT GIVING A FUCK A B O U T W H A T Y O U T H I N K   2 reply
28 05,2021
Here is my progress! It aint done with the clothing, but for not drawing in so long since college started, I think this is pretty good!! I forget who made the picrew character, but thank you!   2 reply
15 05,2021

Yipso's answer ( All 61 )

about work
ill go first 1. Can you combine THREE amazing emojis that inspire you? -- ⚜ they my fav emojis tho xP 2. What two color pairs do you love the most (for me, purple and gold)? -- Purple and gold -- Navy blue and white -- Black and yellow 3.What holidays are you going to celebrate this year aside from the usual national holidays? -- I really wan......   reply
30 06,2021
this is so cool! Summer project here we go!! Anyone who likes drawing (any and all levels) or writing (any and all levels), check this out!!   1 reply
03 06,2021
Pro tips for handling period if ya never knew: • ALWAYS predict your period. Have a tracker or memorize what week it tends to come. Reasons below: • Drink plenty of water at least a week or two before it happens. • Avoid sugar, soda/coffee, salt, unhealthy things at least a week before. • Warmer or heating pad, make sure to stay warm at......   reply
28 05,2021
I dont really have a preference, but purely aesthetically, i like people who take care of their appearance   reply
27 05,2021
about question
Personally, I didn't care about it at all. I still don't. Growing up Christian, I'm supposed to be straight, but of course I do find the women around me beautiful. However, I could see they had no attraction to me other than a friendly relationship, so I stopped. Men too— they had a mostly friendly/acquaintance relationship with me, so I gave u......   reply
27 05,2021

Yipso's question ( All 11 )

about question
Yipso 29 11,2023
i ned mems ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ
29 11,2023
about work
I want to make drawing and music my main focus since they are my only talents after all...

I want to create beautoful art pieces that people will buy, but I am totally out of the loop when it comes to knowing what people like (i cannot draw fan art, btw).

So... i have a challenge for yall. Answer 1 of 6 questions!! U dont need to answer all, but it would be appreciated

1. Can you combine THREE amazing emojis that inspire you?

2. What two color pairs do you love the most (for me, purple and gold)?

3.What holidays are you going to celebrate this year aside from the usual national holidays?

4. What inspirational quote, person, or thing has motivated you recently?

5. Link me to your favorite or most interesting two art pieces! Can be on deviantart or a famous renaissance piece, it can even be from prehistoric times.

6. What would you be tempted to buy on a t-shirt, blanket, dress, card, or mug?

Thank u all
30 06,2021
about question
transmisia is probably a better term for hate than -phobic which implies fear or severe anger due to fear.

lets be real, these people do not fear people who are transitioning or have transitioned, they just hate them and think their existence is inferior to theirs. If they were truly afraid of them, they would be shaking in their boots, afraid to even speak out, but avoid them like the plague. But no, these "transphobes" are coming out strongly on the matter with confidence and stride. -misia describes severe hate toward something. My misophonia and arachnaphobia comes from two different places...
Plus im lazy af and transmisia is 1 letter shorter than transphobia

Second why are we so interested in calling them out instead of explaining things normally and calmly. this is the pacifist in me so sorry. But unless you have a military and strong government rule, nobody gives a shit about how much you curse and scream on the internet. It is hard convincing people by doing that irl anyways. People are natural truth seekers, but are also selfish/too kind and lie. Most will be swayed by presenting facts and being polite in the face of hate and anger. but name calling, fear mongering, giving someone's account link out on a call put post for ease of access to hurt someone instead of making those problematic people go find the account themselves (reducing the amount of hate cus lazy af ppl), screaming in caps, gatekeeping, etc. — since when has that ever convinced you to say, "wow, I was wrong"? Probably made you say, "wow, these people are nutjobs."
31 05,2021
Sorry, i hate myself so much that id rather get a new body or reincarnate. This is a rant about myself and i just wanna exercise mt thumbs and inner thoughts.

Inside, im a manipulative bitch. I get on wveryone good side and then use them to my advantage. I borrow way too much shit that i almost never return. Im not organized. Im way too shy around people and i am antisocial irl. I can never form words correctly so I always sound like a dumbass. I need more practice having a conversation because i never can find times that match with even my family's schedule. I want to blame them for not caring, but it seems j didnt care about myself first.

I have acne and acne scars everywhere. I have sensitive, dry, itchy skin that hates water, but loves bad stuff apparently. I have enlarged pores that are never not visible (and it sucks cus I have trypophobia) and a discolored scar patch under my lip that looks like a failed goatee or a permanent shadow, and it wont go away.

I have too much testosterone, so I grow a faint but visible mustache and my natural talking voice clocks in at D#3/Eb3 (anyone who wanna hear the pitch:https://youtu.be/xpiaxQcUTiU). So im always mistaken for a dude.

My face is not symmetrical and it always looks like im in disgust when i see pictures of me talking or smiling. I cant smile cus my teeth have a gap. When i did smile genuinely and widely at my graduation, my grad partner said to smile. Haha.... i cant smile even. I have short face syndrome where my philantrum is short (i can tkuch my tongue to the tip of my nose). My lips are big and asymmetrical thanks to my asymmetrical jaw. Hoping mewing helps it.

My skin is tan. Dark enough to not fit in with the caucasians, light enough to not fit in with dark skinned people. Im mixed black and white but i dont fit in with either group because both groups find me disgusting or my experiences dont matter cus my skin isnt dark or light enough. Yes ppl told me that.

My fashion sense is shit. I dont have enougb money to buy clothes that I want but the clothes my mom gets me are wacky or past their time. I wish i could just get blazers and black pants everyday, but i have no money. I have no skills.

No wonder people dont like me. Lmao. This is why i have no motivation to do anything. My hygiene was pretty bad but its getting back to normal, but my sleep is still wack.

People told me a couple days ago after a speech that I have matured and i turned out beautiful. But you knkw what? Those were empty words. They couldnt even look at me when they were saying it— i watched. Some even microshook their head when they said it.

I fucking hate myawlf and my body. I want a dermatologist but im too fucking poor and skilless to get a job.

What a loop and bind im in. Haha.

Also pls, i dont need your pity comments unless you are willing to help me correct this shit. Ive heard it all my life but my brain deflects your forced kindness.
27 05,2021

People are doing

did read manga

Maybe I've been desensitised but I've seen worse tbh although I can't deny it's also really bad but the not the worse out there

4 hours
did read manga

I was sexually abused when I was 7. I'm twisted and I like to imagine myself as the Shota. I find some comfort in it.

6 hours
did masturbated to yaoi


16 hours