tongtong's feed

Guys, the author never portrayed Wooyeon as pitiful top because of his traumatic past or his condition. Idk, but i haven't even feel an ounce of pity nor i don't feel that the author want to portray that. It was evident that Wooyeon is an ass, explaining his backstory or mentioning his disorder does not equivalent to justifying his actions or making the readers feel that they have to pity him.

I don't quite understand why you guys feel that it's the author's intention especially when we can see how he treat the other characters and even the mc or how straight forward Wooyeon explain his condition in his head which differ on how he explained it to Inseob in which he admitted that he did that to manipulate Inseob.

The only one who pity or feel for him is Inseob or maybe this is the answer, because we are reading throu Inseop's point of view you guys unintentionally wear his shoes.