(eng grammar is shit)
After the crazy shit that he'll pulled in the next chapters, for those hoping for LWY's redemption arc, I don't think that he will really redeem himself. At least to me and I believe he doesn't believe in that either. And his suffering is not enough, I don't really think that he suffer that much. (emotional break down in the hospital and being apart from Inseop for few months)
He'll only behave himself (a lil bit, it was stated no killing, assaulting people, arson, raping (like didn't you did this already?), etc.) cuz he knows he's nothing without inseob. As far as I remember, there's no proper and sincere apology. Everything good that he'll do in the future, like giving his trust to Inseob and not helding him captave like what's he doing rn are just because he fears that Inseob will be gone (living him for good or dying). So, for his benefits he'll behave himself to avoid hurting Inseob physically (maybe sometimes emotionally. but for him to pretend as inseop biological younger brother (after Inseob got an amnesia due to accident) just to prevent Inseob from going back to his fam in America is definitely a no lmao. Like, I know he talks about the brother thing several times but he's bat shit crazy for actually pretending to be Inseop's younger sibling).
BUT for your peace of mind, maybe we can consider these as part of his redemption arc.
I can say that he become more careful with Inseob and over protective physical (cuz I think this is more easier for LWY to understand like, he can physically and literally see if Inseop is hurting physically. unlike in emotional aspect which is LWY's weakness cuz he can't really comprehend it). Like whenever Inseob got a fever or every little thing about his health he'll bring him to the hospital and will ask for MULTIPLE test to be done just to be sure if Inseop is doing okay. And he let Inseop to do whatever he wants but off course with ridiculous restrictions and he's still obsessive, there are times when Inseob has to talk to his classmates (cuz he enroll himself for college) in chat and the asshole removed Inseob's account from their gc just because he's jealous lmao.