tongtong October 20, 2024 4:44 am


tongtong October 20, 2024 4:11 am

Inseop got into an accident (not LW's fault) and he had an amnesia and the little shit of an ml pretended to be his biological brother wtf bro manager cha and ceo kim be stressing all the time lmao

To be fair, it was the CEO who suggested it to not immediately reveal that he's Inseop's husband cuz ceo's concern for inseop well-being but no one expected LW's next move i know he was kinda "imagining/fantasizing" what's the feeling if he's Inseop's younger brother cuz he is hate and jealous yo Inseop's siblings but bruh it's so entertaining thou cuz what he did kinda backfire lol

tongtong October 17, 2024 4:22 pm

I don't want second ml bullshit, i want mc to get their revenge without some cliche second ml helping like bruhh that's too boring and I have a trust on mc's will power. I know no man's an island but SOME men will only help you cuz they're expecting something from you, "I helped you so let me fuck you" stfu

    tongtong October 17, 2024 4:23 pm

    Especially in mc's era where a lot of situation it's kill or to be killed and those tasty idiots are taking advantage of this situation

    tongtong October 17, 2024 4:24 pm
    Especially in mc's era where a lot of situation it's kill or to be killed and those tasty idiots are taking advantage of this situation tongtong


tongtong October 13, 2024 11:08 am

I'm reading vol 2 and oh my god if Inseop could die for our sins he will and will blame himself because we're sinners. I'm so frustrated his only dialogue "it's nothing", "sorry", or "im fine"

    tongtong October 14, 2024 4:56 am


    The author must love this two cuz they really make an alternate universe (i think) about them sets in highschool in America. Lol

    tongtong October 14, 2024 5:56 am
    Vol3The author must love this two cuz they really make an alternate universe (i think) about them sets in highschool in America. Lol tongtong

    I'm kinda wrong lol

    ShenQq October 19, 2024 4:49 pm
    I'm kinda wrong lol tongtong

    The fact that you made it past volume one is a feat. Volume 1 ended and I saw volume 2 like a second endless staircase and said "Nah, I'm good" lol

    tongtong October 20, 2024 4:02 am
    The fact that you made it past volume one is a feat. Volume 1 ended and I saw volume 2 like a second endless staircase and said "Nah, I'm good" lol ShenQq

    I made it into vol 6

tongtong October 12, 2024 3:27 pm

I bet he'll fck the subae in front of the mc

tongtong October 12, 2024 4:07 am

This manhwa chapters are only volume 1 of the novel lol, i kinda admire the author's drive of writing.
I'm reading the volume 2, i know it's surprising but ML is trying to be considerate to MC now but he's still crazy and has a foul mouth, and likes to borrow CEO Kim's car lmao. it seems like the story in vl2 is heading on how Inseob will able to handle their relationship and his insecurities, so far in the beginning of vol 2 LW is not Inseob and trusting Inseob more. He be like "if Inseob said it is nothing, then it is nothing" but well see if he maintain this .

tongtong October 9, 2024 5:01 am

I hate that I'm not letting this marinate and keep reading new chapters

tongtong October 8, 2024 9:32 pm

Guys don't dwell to much on the ratings, ratings on mangago are actually pretty inaccurate there are some manhwa out there that doesn't have chapters but has high ratings already and I'm not talking about manhwas with other source material but those new manhwa that has pretty known or established authors also some readers like me don't really put ratings on the stories.

Anyways I like how the author make their characters I've read all of their stories that are available on this site and I like all of them. My only problem here is I feel like the story is too short and I want the mc to address the rape accusation about him cuz the story is felt incomplete to me.

tongtong October 8, 2024 8:05 pm

It's good, they really got their happy ending and they love each other BUT i want more angst my mind's literally running miles in the restaurant scene I want more drama aside from drama I also want more fluffy scene. I WANT MORE!!!

I also like the characters, takeichi's best boy, the ml's ex is adorable I want more screen time of him, I like the mc and his inner thoughts I also wanna see him cry more lol, and finally Soma lots of people seems to dislike him cuz of his attitude and some words he said that yes kinda shitty but I want me characters like that, I'm tired if reading a character that is green flag or red flag.

tongtong October 7, 2024 5:09 am


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