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The queen June 20, 2021 11:39 am

Idk why but she pisses me off ^ - ^ ㅗ

    Lara's Dreams June 20, 2021 11:55 am

    Same i think it’s because she is dating an engaged man and tries to befriend no matter what with eris + she's dumb ass fuck #-.-)

    taelika June 20, 2021 1:08 pm
    Same i think it’s because she is dating an engaged man and tries to befriend no matter what with eris + she's dumb ass fuck #-.-) Lara's Dreams

    She’s not dating him tf.... mf not reading that shit correctly...

    Lara's Dreams June 20, 2021 7:11 pm
    She’s not dating him tf.... mf not reading that shit correctly... taelika

    sorry but she flirts with him and then she still hopes to be friends with eris .____.

    taelika June 20, 2021 7:35 pm
    sorry but she flirts with him and then she still hopes to be friends with eris .____. Lara's Dreams

    She doesn’t flirt with him omg like he’s the one making advances.

    Lara's Dreams June 20, 2021 8:01 pm

    she interfere in the "couple", the guy is just as wrong, she agrees to go to the party made for eris, it was her party and she dares to go with her fiancée what's wrong with her ??

    taelika June 20, 2021 8:09 pm
    she interfere in the "couple", the guy is just as wrong, she agrees to go to the party made for eris, it was her party and she dares to go with her fiancée what's wrong with her ?? Lara's Dreams

    Omg she couldn’t say no ???? He’s a fucking prince??? If your president pressured you into going at a party with them would say no??? I wouldn’t dare

    EunJae June 20, 2021 9:58 pm
    Omg she couldn’t say no ???? He’s a fucking prince??? If your president pressured you into going at a party with them would say no??? I wouldn’t dare taelika

    That's one hell of an example. I wouldn't even dared to have an eye contact

    Lara's Dreams June 20, 2021 10:58 pm
    Omg she couldn’t say no ???? He’s a fucking prince??? If your president pressured you into going at a party with them would say no??? I wouldn’t dare taelika

    she has proven several times that she could handle the prince at her bedside I mean he's crazy about her, she can very well cry like she does every time, no is an option for her not eris she tries to live her life on her own but she comes back every time to put her in embarrassing situations

    taelika June 20, 2021 11:16 pm
    she has proven several times that she could handle the prince at her bedside I mean he's crazy about her, she can very well cry like she does every time, no is an option for her not eris she tries to live her l... Lara's Dreams

    Alright I can’t,,, the prince is literally going to try and r*pe Eris because she keeps saying no later in the story. While Helena doesn’t know that I’d seriously prefer seeing her being a pushover rather than to keep saying no and then potentially get r*ped. He just treats her softly because she says yes. As I said a few lines before, who knows what would happen if she says no. Handling him is really different from saying no, it’s just saying yes in a different way.
    Especially since the royal family is going to bestow a noble title on her so that the prince can marry her, and in this case, she literally can’t say no. She would be downright put in prison or fall out of favor if she happened to refuse. No one in the fucking country would have the guts to refuse, not even Eris. Not to mention she’s a disposable pawn. Keyword being disposable. And even when she died she was revived by the male leads. She can’t even escape by death.
    And what if she does that shit willingly to Eris anyway? OG Eris bullied her so that would simply be payback.

    Lara's Dreams June 21, 2021 12:18 am
    Alright I can’t,,, the prince is literally going to try and r*pe Eris because she keeps saying no later in the story. While Helena doesn’t know that I’d seriously prefer seeing her being a pushover rather... taelika

    We understood very well that the guy was an asshole in the current story he treats Helena better than Eris, for the moment Helena is the girl who took without doing "on purpose" a man already engaged whether she wants it or not she seduced her for the moment Eris is in a position inferior to her being more a pawn than anything else by the royal family for the moment Helena can have a choice, Eris hasn't had a choice since she was born or even before she was destined for this life so far I'm not trying to figure out which one has a crappier life, I just observed the fact that Helena is a crybaby and no one can say the opposite, for now Eris is more respectable than Helena in trying to make a friend when it's clearly impossible for her to tell her to go to hell directly. We could see with the scene where Helena on the floor in front of Eris and that the prince did not seek to know what it was happening and directly slap Eris that's why I do not like Helena

    taelika June 21, 2021 1:15 am
    We understood very well that the guy was an asshole in the current story he treats Helena better than Eris, for the moment Helena is the girl who took without doing "on purpose" a man already engaged whether sh... Lara's Dreams

    You can’t really seduce someone if you didn’t have the intent to. Like I maybe wrong, but « whether she wants it or not she seduced him » is weird because it sounds like victim-blaming?? Like not tryna insinuate something but that’s an apologist thing to say unless I misunderstood. You also seem to forget that it’s a fact our MC cries every night? And that I’m pretty sure it’s the first time we saw Helena cry too I think? In any case if Helena is a crybaby then Eris is one too. And well I don’t about choices, but in terms of REAL freedom, I’d say Eris has more. If someone reincarnated in Helena’s body and tried to go back to their world It’d be impossible because she keeps being stalked. In a way, the MLs hating Eris is an advantage. Besides, Helena couldn’t say anything due to shock. It’s a common response that anyone can have, even you, and that doesn’t make you hateful does it? Don’t get me wrong, you’re free to not like Helena. But most of your reasons don’t make sense Anyway, good night/day

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