Momotaro July 18, 2021 6:33 am

Ahh I'm disappointed

    Existance July 20, 2021 1:05 am

    How come?

    Momotaro July 20, 2021 2:16 am
    How come? Existance

    I thought this would be some cool badass smart mc..with genre action and little romance..but the mc is a pushover..can't even speak her mind etc\(゚ー゚\)

    Existance July 20, 2021 2:19 am
    I thought this would be some cool badass smart mc..with genre action and little romance..but the mc is a pushover..can't even speak her mind etc\(゚ー゚\) Momotaro

    Ohhhh, yeah…

    Kawaiime July 21, 2021 9:51 am
    I thought this would be some cool badass smart mc..with genre action and little romance..but the mc is a pushover..can't even speak her mind etc\(゚ー゚\) Momotaro

    No, not really. I don't think she's. Honestly she's doing exactly what she should be doing, it's a place of etiquette and social status. If she makes a mistake ( being rude for example) she's deemed to be looked at as a enemy. It's the last thing she wants considering her situation ( with her sister, parents death ) she had a lot to lose so obviously ang smart person would do the same. She's badass in her own way she doesn't need to be sassy she needs to survive.

    Momotaro July 21, 2021 12:50 pm
    No, not really. I don't think she's. Honestly she's doing exactly what she should be doing, it's a place of etiquette and social status. If she makes a mistake ( being rude for example) she's deemed to be looke... Kawaiime

    When u can defeat a demon Lordƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ...if she was smart I think she rather dethroned her sister and also should ask the most benefit from the king as she defeat a demon Lord...duh..make herself known..she a hero duh..she ain't smart so can't agree with u r so is so easy for her to survive..just she don't use her brain

    Kawaiime July 21, 2021 1:14 pm
    When u can defeat a demon Lordƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ...if she was smart I think she rather dethroned her sister and also should ask the most benefit from the king as she defeat a demon Lord...duh..make herself Momotaro

    With surviving comes power. As for the fl she doesn't want power lol she just want a peaceful life duh. No she can't. It's not that simple since her sister holds enough power to even get rid of her own brother without anyone saying a word. It's place were status makes you powerful not how strong you're. You could be an old lady for god sake and everyone shivering when they see you if you have political power. She wants a quite life so how do you expect her to make herself known? She as she's having enough headache let alone being a heroine. Clearly killing the demon king was for protecting the nation so even if the fl would speak up and ask for something in return most probably she would get nothing because most likely it was just an event to grab attention to take attention from something else or raising the favourity of the king to people. Either way she would either be forced to go, thrown in jail for not obeying the king losing her status which would mean end for her not mentioning becoming the enemy of the king. Trust me she use her brain it just not as simple as you think it is others manhwas makes " oh so simple " but i think this one represents it the best and most realistically

    Kawaiime July 21, 2021 1:16 pm
    With surviving comes power. As for the fl she doesn't want power lol she just want a peaceful life duh. No she can't. It's not that simple since her sister holds enough power to even get rid of her own brother ... Kawaiime

    Wasn't for protecting*

    Momotaro July 21, 2021 4:49 pm
    With surviving comes power. As for the fl she doesn't want power lol she just want a peaceful life duh. No she can't. It's not that simple since her sister holds enough power to even get rid of her own brother ... Kawaiime

    OMG ..I didn't know that..〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜as if ..of course u would shiver from a old lady if she had high political but u think defeating a demon king is joke..if u can defeat a demon king ..u alone are strong to be a nuclear bomb for humanity..for God sake if she wanted to lived a simple life ..she should have gone with her friends..instead of coming to her sister who killed her brother..and are u kinda dumb ..y should be afraid of king if u are the savior of the king should beg her to save mankind..and fame can always make money..if she told the nation as she is the hero...then ofcousre fortune would come..and thinking about realistic..this manga isn't realistic..fantasy if she used her brain she won't be pushed around..and would have use her second life to the fullest..and also she is dumb(~‾▿‾)~..thank u for ur long bullshit paragraph..and if lyf woul oh so simple..I would be thankful..and ur thinking is "oh so simple"

    Kawaiime July 21, 2021 6:59 pm
    OMG ..I didn't know that..〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜as if ..of course u would shiver from a old lady if she had high political but u think defeating a demon king is joke..if u can defeat a demon king ..u alon... Momotaro

    OMG no you didn't! Duh listen here I'm just sharing my opinion not belittling you. so if you as well like to exchange opinions like grown ass women sure go for it. if not then at least have some manners "bullshit "you say? That's all you got to reply. it's not a joke but you think the king and the whole army is a joke ? That a single lady can defeat them you must be dumb not me they're not her friends they're allies yes they're considered " friends" in her heart but the fact remains that they're allies not friends and their life isn't hers, all of them have different paths how you expect her to follow a random one? Oh really save the mankind clearly you didn't pay much attention to the story as i said before she wasn't there to save anyone it was just for show, either to get support from people or to show power or even gather attention on it to hide something else. I know shocker it's fantasy WOW! duuuh i know. But a fantasy that is more realistic don't give me an era where all that matter in is statue than you acting like " Oh I dOnT cArE aBoUt iT " and act weirdly that isn't considered etiquette and everyone be fine with it. It's unrealistic and sometimes even stupid. Yeah i said it stupid not badass not cool not oh wow she's badie girl get them, no. Yeah it's nice and even fun and funny sometimes but no. It's not that i don't like them but i would be lying to say i don't find them odd sometimes. If you acted that way guaranteed 100% you're going to be killed. It's funny because most fl gets murdered for bothering the original fl and then when having second life do whatever they like but oh no one cares really like nothing happened. No. just no she wouldn't she be killed duh. She's not dumb you don't like her cool do your thing but she's not it's your opinion only. You're welcome thank you for being rude. Really that's sweet no wonder your opinion is like that.

    Momotaro July 21, 2021 7:06 pm ur such an adult..OMG u r not so rude ..OMG you was just sharing ur opinion..OMG..I didn't know....I'm so sorry..u are only right one..ur opinion only matters..ur such a grown up..that u for ur long important paragraph again..I love it ..give it again...

    Momotaro July 21, 2021 7:10 pm

    U r the dumb one if the king could defeat the demon king y would he need the fl.. he could do it himself.. duuhh.. nothing can go to a person mind who writes a lengthy paragraph with meaningless words...and gets offend....if the other person say it bullshit.. some one trying to justify her words highlighting my one word"bullshit" u go again u have some bullshit mind setup

    Kawaiime July 21, 2021 7:36 pm
    U r the dumb one if the king could defeat the demon king y would he need the fl.. he could do it himself.. duuhh.. nothing can go to a person mind who writes a lengthy paragraph with meaningless words...and ge... Momotaro

    Aha i get the sarcastic type that doesn't know how to have a conversation right. K you're right. Byee

    Kawaiime July 21, 2021 7:37 pm
    U r the dumb one if the king could defeat the demon king y would he need the fl.. he could do it himself.. duuhh.. nothing can go to a person mind who writes a lengthy paragraph with meaningless words...and ge... Momotaro

    Literally you just did the same but with nothing instead

    Kawaiime July 21, 2021 7:39 pm
    U r the dumb one if the king could defeat the demon king y would he need the fl.. he could do it himself.. duuhh.. nothing can go to a person mind who writes a lengthy paragraph with meaningless words...and ge... Momotaro

    I wasn't offended i was disappointed lol

    yourboisterouscock<3 July 23, 2021 2:51 pm
    With surviving comes power. As for the fl she doesn't want power lol she just want a peaceful life duh. No she can't. It's not that simple since her sister holds enough power to even get rid of her own brother ... Kawaiime

    yes also as the other prev comment said, she killed the god damn demon king, bad mouthing brats 3 years younger than her would hardly be a blip in her radar ffs. it's like someone on twitter tagging mcdonalds saying theyre not good for you. do you really think they'd care?

    Momotaro July 23, 2021 4:14 pm
    yes also as the other prev comment said, she killed the god damn demon king, bad mouthing brats 3 years younger than her would hardly be a blip in her radar ffs. it's like someone on twitter tagging mcdonalds s... yourboisterouscock<3

    Uhmmm..she is stuck in her dumb mindset..i tried ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`) but it's hard to change a old lady mind(≧▽≦)

    Kawaiime July 23, 2021 7:20 pm
    yes also as the other prev comment said, she killed the god damn demon king, bad mouthing brats 3 years younger than her would hardly be a blip in her radar ffs. it's like someone on twitter tagging mcdonalds s... yourboisterouscock<3

    Well i read the spoiler and it said that she will make give them a good reply also so far they haven't really said something offensive just being passive aggressive it's complicated situation but it's not like she's treating it with care

    Kawaiime July 23, 2021 7:21 pm
    Uhmmm..she is stuck in her dumb mindset..i tried ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`) but it's hard to change a old lady mind(≧▽≦) Momotaro

    Shhh talk to the hand once you learn manners come speak with me k

    Kawaiime July 23, 2021 7:28 pm
    Uhmmm..she is stuck in her dumb mindset..i tried ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`) but it's hard to change a old lady mind(≧▽≦) Momotaro

    Ohh sweetie much rather be dumb old lady than stupid rude brat who her parents didn't raise her well ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Kawaiime July 24, 2021 1:19 am
    No, not really. I don't think she's. Honestly she's doing exactly what she should be doing, it's a place of etiquette and social status. If she makes a mistake ( being rude for example) she's deemed to be looke... Kawaiime

    U got a point tho

    Existance July 24, 2021 1:22 am
    U got a point tho Kawaiime

    Can you stop replying please

    Momotaro July 24, 2021 2:50 am
    Shhh talk to the hand once you learn manners come speak with me k Kawaiime

    Ok..hello hand are u?..(✿^‿^)..I hope u have a good day<( ̄︶ ̄)>

    Momotaro July 24, 2021 2:53 am
    Ohh sweetie much rather be dumb old lady than stupid rude brat who her parents didn't raise her well ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Kawaiime

    Oh ... chocolate.. rather be a ride brat ...than a old lady who doesn't listen to others ..,stuck in their dumb opinion.. that y our generation had so many bad vibes..I thank my parents for raising me well to have my own opinion (人 •ᴗ•)

    Momotaro July 24, 2021 2:54 am
    U got a point tho Kawaiime

    Lol... replying to ur own comment.. because nobody gives damnnn about itಡ ʖ ಡ

    Momotaro July 24, 2021 2:55 am
    Well i read the spoiler and it said that she will make give them a good reply also so far they haven't really said something offensive just being passive aggressive it's complicated situation but it's not like ... Kawaiime

    Ohohoho.. thanks for ur diligence (ㆁωㆁ)ಡ ʖ ಡ

    Momotaro July 24, 2021 2:56 am
    Shhh talk to the hand once you learn manners come speak with me k Kawaiime

    I'm talking to ur do u text with ur mouth..dumb..ಡ ʖ ಡ

    Momotaro July 24, 2021 2:58 am
    Ohh sweetie much rather be dumb old lady than stupid rude brat who her parents didn't raise her well ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Kawaiime

    Ohoho.. chocolate.. rather be a rude brat to have ur own opinion..than a dumb , selfish old lady..who criticize other comments..and always try to pass their opinion (≧▽≦)

Momotaro July 18, 2021 2:36 am

The same goes for the crazy ex..he also has many things to lose〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜..poop fake victim..ahh sometimes..I want to read a crazy smart uke instead of this type of uke .. victim xd..the uke are always the manipulate uke..when will u come

Momotaro July 12, 2021 2:41 am

Everyone here is poop ...(●__●)

Momotaro July 9, 2021 12:36 pm

Lol..then ask nah..what's with thought process of only if you tell me(ಠ_ಠ)━☆゚.*・。゚
Give me jaemin ..(⌐■-■)..I can be a better partner than u(눈‸눈)

    Otaku July 9, 2021 1:50 pm

    Fr like I hate that trope. Like your a grown ass man stop acting like a child.

Momotaro July 6, 2021 8:53 pm

Umm I don't like it when the characters are too forgiving..ik the mc will forgive her after that..I'm not saying she should beat that girl..after that..but please ignore her..she doesn't deserve ur help..ಠಗಠ

Momotaro June 24, 2021 1:29 pm

Butt..isnot it's true that doyoon had s** with anyone..ummm ..if u r in the seme place u would think that..also uke never try to clear it..n they also slept together so fast ..that's y umm hypothetically..a normal human being will also think that.⊂(・▽・⊂)..I'm not with seme just saying it..seme is a prideful ass****..but uke is also a....

    Lazy.Ivy June 24, 2021 3:07 pm

    damn i tried to dislike. But nah the seme is just annoying. How else did u expect the uke to respond after being called all type of shit from the seme?

    Momotaro June 25, 2021 6:27 am

    Ignore him ಡ ʖ ಡ..or do something else but not physically like he did..which made the seme remarks true about himᕦ(ಠ_ಠ)ᕤ

Momotaro June 12, 2021 3:31 am

Woah ...rape?rape? Rape?... every chapter is miserable...(。ŏ﹏ŏ)
I feel bad...even the ending did not satisfied me.. Michael should have gone to hell but..nah(༎ ෴ ༎)

Momotaro June 7, 2021 2:51 am

Umm I hate uke乁[ᓀ˵▾˵ᓂ]ㄏ..cheers for does who are (☞゚∀゚)☞

    Blueredyellow June 7, 2021 11:07 am

    Why he's adorable

    HaLa June 7, 2021 4:06 pm

    I was going to say the same thing but when u consider his life u can kinda understand why he can't make a move to his long time crush. When u r a person who can take strict action like the one he did to his parents, when it comes to someone u like u kinda don't wanna cross that line because a big possibility that everything will be finish when he does that especially when it's some one who saved him and consider him the light in his life.
    But the good thing that he is going to take an action now and when he does if the author continue with his personality type, he Wil never look back to this crush anymore. So I am looking forward to see what's going to happen

    You shouldn't hate this character it's very realistic so far how he reacting to situations around him

    Momotaro June 7, 2021 6:40 pm
    I was going to say the same thing but when u consider his life u can kinda understand why he can't make a move to his long time crush. When u r a person who can take strict action like the one he did to his par... HaLa

    Ok..I don't like the uke not because he like his long time crush or make a move on him etc.well if anyone is in place who won't fall for his crush as he was the only mental support to the uke ..but y the hell is he doing shit with his crush b.f(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ..idaf if it realistic or not ..well think if his crush really did love his would u feel if the person u support cheated with ur b.f..wont u feel crushedÓ╭╮Ò

    Momotaro June 7, 2021 6:43 pm
    Why he's adorable Blueredyellow

    Well yeah he is..( ꈍᴗꈍ)..but just because u r handsome, adorable,cute etc..u can't do this he literally cheating with his crush b.f..ಡ ʖ ಡ

    HaLa June 7, 2021 7:25 pm
    Ok..I don't like the uke not because he like his long time crush or make a move on him etc.well if anyone is in place who won't fall for his crush as he was the only mental support to the uke ..but y the hell i... Momotaro

    I just looked through the raws, I think there is a reason but it's not mentioned yet just a glimpse. He is afraid of the best friend for a reason that's why he listens to him

    Blueredyellow June 7, 2021 7:48 pm
    Well yeah he is..( ꈍᴗꈍ)..but just because u r handsome, adorable,cute etc..u can't do this he literally cheating with his crush b.f..ಡ ʖ ಡ Momotaro

    Im not talking about his face when i say he's adorable i just like how realistic he is ,and he didn't cheated he doesn't have a boyfriend yet , i think its easy to hate him when you didn't try to understand his feeling. :(

    Momotaro June 7, 2021 9:45 pm
    Im not talking about his face when i say he's adorable i just like how realistic he is ,and he didn't cheated he doesn't have a boyfriend yet , i think its easy to hate him when you didn't try to understand his... Blueredyellow

    Lol ..he literally cheating with his crush b.fಡ ʖ ಡ do I encountered so many fools..ohh he is realistic blah#..u know this is manhwa..get off ur bed and go to real world then say realistic this is not ಡ ʖ ಡ how I'm not understanding him when I'm seeing most of the story from the uke pov( ╹▽╹ )..its easy to hate blahxD..that's y we r human right ..we hate ,love that's who we r ..just because it's easy to hate doesn't mean we all be hating everyone.. hating some one also need strong feeling and I hate him cuz I see him from his pov ..all his time flash, expression,sadness, anxiety, relief...I see it all that's y I hate him

    Blueredyellow June 7, 2021 10:21 pm
    Lol ..he literally cheating with his crush b.fಡ ʖ ಡ do I encountered so many fools..ohh he is realistic blah#..u know this is manhwa..get off ur bed and go to real world then say realistic this is no... Momotaro

    You are going too far for a fictional character

    Momotaro June 7, 2021 10:39 pm
    You are going too far for a fictional character Blueredyellow

    Sorry I got too into it..I just feel badಥ╭╮ಥ

    HaLa June 7, 2021 10:45 pm
    Lol ..he literally cheating with his crush b.fಡ ʖ ಡ do I encountered so many fools..ohh he is realistic blah#..u know this is manhwa..get off ur bed and go to real world then say realistic this is no... Momotaro

    R u reading the same story??
    He is not cheating, he is being forced by the friend and jaemin knows about it... Cheating, you can say that word when he is in actual relationship but he is not and the character being played by both of them

    The word hate is too big for this character really. And yes his reaction considering his background story is realistic.

    Momotaro June 7, 2021 11:45 pm
    R u reading the same story??He is not cheating, he is being forced by the friend and jaemin knows about it... Cheating, you can say that word when he is in actual relationship but he is not and the character be... HaLa

    Umm..forced or not a deal between him and his crush bf...and I k jaemin knows but what if he don't.and whether they are in a realationship just to monopolize uke.or notim calling it cheating because it is..cuz in uke pov jaemin and his bf is in realationship but uke doesn't wht the b.f to be with jaemin cuz he like jaemin.and I hate him because of my own personal pov ..if it big word for u then ignore it(⌐■-■).. peace out(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

    HaLa June 8, 2021 2:30 am
    Umm..forced or not a deal between him and his crush bf...and I k jaemin knows but what if he don't.and whether they are in a realationship just to monopolize uke.or notim calling it cheating because it is.... Momotaro

    It tiring replying to you because u r holding on to ur opinion like it's a fact so this is my last reply. I have seen the raws. The uke is being forced to be with that friend because he is afraid of him.
    Whatever if u don't enjoy the story that's you I just said the story line and give u the correct information. U r free to read it or not. Even though this is a story but u r very judgemental. Person try to see people perspective in their actions whether it's a fiction or real life.
    Have a lovely day

    Momotaro June 8, 2021 6:39 am
    It tiring replying to you because u r holding on to ur opinion like it's a fact so this is my last reply. I have seen the raws. The uke is being forced to be with that friend because he is afraid of him.Whateve... HaLa

    Okie adios (≧▽≦)... atlast peace( ꈍᴗꈍ)..I haven't seen the raw but who caresಡ ʖ ಡ are not u judging too( ╹▽╹ ).. judgemental says the person who judging me ᕙ( ° ʖ °)ᕗ..well and yeah I'll read it cuz I enjoy it..just because I hate the uke doesn't mean I can't come to love him..(◔‿◔)..and did I ever said I didn't enjoy the story..I just hate the present uke..ಡ ʖ ಡ..also I like the puppy seme(ㆁωㆁ)..
    Have a lovely yet angst day to u (≧▽≦)

Momotaro June 7, 2021 2:06 am

I couldn't bear to read till the end ..I'm dropping it in vol9..cuz I never understood love which make people so obsessed, pitiful,toxic, lustful,happy and sad..dai and jaehee relationship was so toxic..yet they love each other so much and jaehee ex gf was the most pitiful character..and I don't blame anyone but I couldn't go into itಥ╭╮ಥ

    yaoi_otaku02 June 19, 2021 9:54 am

    Omg u r missing out much... I suggest u to pick it up back and strengthen urselves to read it until the end. It is beautifully written even till the end, believe me u wont regret it.

    rosaa1 August 17, 2023 7:35 pm
    Omg u r missing out much... I suggest u to pick it up back and strengthen urselves to read it until the end. It is beautifully written even till the end, believe me u wont regret it. yaoi_otaku02

    bruhh Momotaro and anyone reading this, there is no need to "strengthen urselves", you're not missing out on something by forcing yourself to read through such a toxic relationship.

Momotaro May 26, 2021 12:21 am

I don't like the seme

    Pancake May 26, 2021 3:23 am

    May I ask why?

    Momotaro May 26, 2021 12:10 pm

    Idk y did he wanted the uke to introduce him to her sister.. after all drama when the uke was sad..he was ignoring him who does that... truth to be told if I was uke I would have also not be able to tell the truth..they weren't even that closeಡ ʖ ಡ

    Pancake May 27, 2021 1:34 pm
    Idk y did he wanted the uke to introduce him to her sister.. after all drama when the uke was sad..he was ignoring him who does that... truth to be told if I was uke I would have also not be able to tell ... Momotaro

    I see, your right, it does feel kind of rushed, so it’s more of a light read then something serious with lots of drama. This gives a “slice of life” kinda vibe.

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