A story about Rogi Uichi's passion from his youth.Sequel to Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki...
At first, I was really hesitant on reading this after coming from Yondaime. It doesn’t also help that a lot of people had given this bad reviews already. But after coming so far, I can say that I don’t regret reading this at all. First, I just want to say that I love love loveeee Ryuichi’s character design. He’s so freakin beautiful. He honestly reminds me of a nymph. I can safely say he’s a good character (he’s my favorite here), his complexity and the way you can’t predict what he’s about to do just honestly gives me the thrill. Second, I just wanna say that Akitora’s wife is such an amazing woman. I just love her. I usually hate cheating in stories, but the author just had the ability to make me forget and still fall in love with them. I didn’t even get bothered with the cheating and all the other dark sht here lol. What I also love about this is how sensei made every character real and at the same time unreal. They almost feel like real people just because of how in depth their characters are, but then you’d be taken aback because of how unbelievable and just so crazy their actions are. An honest advice for future readers, throw away all your morals while reading this. It’s fcked up but in the best way (for me). You’d get to enjoy reading it more with this. A lot of people were also saying that they were confused of the plot, but I wasn’t at all lol. It’s probably because of how slow this updates that they’d forget what’s happening on the story haha.