Don't think I didn't see that white-haired dude in the back stackin blocks. I swear this manhua is the epitome of cuteness (≧∀≦)

amelia-kyon~ asked a question

Can you take back a dislike to a topic? I've seen so many people apologizing bc they "meant to like" or "didn't mean to dislike".

it must really hurt to know that someone dear to you forgot all about you and the time you spent together. bc i mean kian's going through the same thing and look at how bothered and sad he is abt the fact that he was forgotten. im actually really amazed that scilla isn't crying her eyes out abt this. instead she looks like she's just happy that she got to meet her teacher again.

amelia-kyon~ asked a question

Can someone explain to me how you can support the author by reading on the official site if you're reading it there for free?

amelia-kyon~ add 1 photos to bibi spotted!!

bibi on nii-san pt. 2

amelia-kyon~ followed a goer

hi ig im sleep-deprived :))

12 06,2021
amelia-kyon~ created a topic of You Got Me, Sempai!

Is nobody gonna say anything about how THERE'S NO CHAPTER 5-8?!!

So ig this is the end. It was really good but sad to say it got axed. Nonetheless, it was still a short but good read. Very cute

amelia-kyon~ like question

Any recommendations for any historical stuff? Can be literally any genre lmao

amelia-kyon~ asked a question

Is there a way to NOT show yaoi/yuri titles in my home? I don't feel comfortable having to look at explicit images every time I click home.