Washing the dishes bc no one knows how to scrape the remains into the bin, throw away napkins/packages etc. Also I HATE washing pots bc usually I got to scrap up the shit inside and it'll STILL feel greasy. Oh yeh and it's just nasty overall I don't wanna touch ANY of that mystery mush, the food stuck in the drain, etc. A new level of annoyance ......
!Warning: May get repetitive but I ain't proofreading this, enjoy my manifesto! You know how companies will pay thousands and even millions on advertising? It's a strategy to slowly worm their pitch into your mind, it creates a subconscious sense of familiarity and makes you far more likely to buy into what the company is selling. This is amplifie......
Cucumber sandwich Ingredients: Cucumber (obviously) Whatever bread you want Cream cheese ASSEMBLE!!
i like living. morning walks, music, coffee, reading, painting etc. i wouldn't say i'm glad that i was born but in general i like the experience. if someone told me i'm dying tomorrow i'd be pretty bummed out
A white flag cause ive surrendered
Maybe it's too late to reply to this. But anyway, here goes. Some tips. 1. Time yourself studying to see how long you can concentrate without taking breaks. Next, you do the pomodoro technique. Let's say you can only study for 30 minutes straight. So your study timer should be set into a few sets. Session 1 - 30 min study - take 5 -repeat for ......
Go to the doctor. Tell them you're thinking about jumping out in front of stuff and get help. If you'd like to start smaller, call a hotline first! The greatest thing I've ever learned in life is that getting help WILL MAKE IT BETTER. Getting help is NOT the end of the world, it's quite the opposite. No amount of thinking can get you out of that s......
Hey, it's totally fine. We've all been comparing our lives from other people one way or another and that's completely normal. I mean, I think that's how we all form our standards as human beings. We sort things in categories and label them as "bad" or "good" in accordance to what we like or want in reflection to our experiences; and being able to d......
Thats a myth, but as a kind friend, I'll gladly send them off in ecstasy at the very least
Why are Renta and coolmic comic titles so wild, like fym a manga is called, "Ass so clean you can eat it like sashimi" TF?
DAMN THIS IS SUCH A GOOD QUESTION️️️ hmm ig "My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all." Just songs in general that resonate with me are; (I'm basically just giving out song recs.) "hate me" my Nico Collins, "Lover boy" by A-wall, "Heaven's on fire" & "I was made for loving you" both by KISS (FEEL MY HEAT TAKING YOU ......
What's your least favorite chore?