You guys are so harsh... Yeah, it ended a bit rushed and the art definitely suffered a lot, but the people who created the comic are also humans - ever consider that they might have their own circumstances? It could be strain from drawing too much for all we know. Or worse. Y'all gotta be nicer, man.

Maru knew the MC's feelings and was too scared to face them (even though he also had feelings for him) because he didn't want their relationship to change. So he tasks his freaking brother (who he knows is also in love with the MC) to seduce MC so that the MC's and Maru's relationship doesn't have to change.
Doeul ends up in a sort of sex friends relationship with the MC, mainly because the MC felt lonely without Maru, got shitfaced and slept with Doeul while knowing Doeul's feelings and feels responsible or something. But eventually Maru is worn down by the MC's feelings and realises that they won't change and decides to start going out with MC. However, soon enough, the truth of Maru's actions is revealed when he's talking with Doeul and MC overhears them.
As for the ending, I haven't a rat's ass worth of clue. I think he's going out with both the siblings? But that was only after I read the comments? My first guess was that he's still friends with Maru while being in a relationship with Doeul (because like would he seriously be able to go out with Maru after what Maru did to him? But the same goes for Doeul? But whatever, this is a comic.)
So like if anyone knows what exactly is the relationship status at the end, feel free to clarify. As for the rest, this is it, I think.

Why??? Why should such a free and comfortable way of life be considered perversion?! That's not fair! I mean, this dude was out of underwear so he didn't even mean to, smh, but like when you're living in a hot and humid place, not wearing underwear is like the legit best, okay? Otherwise, it feels all stuffy and sweaty and gross. I mean, sure, wear it during winters if you'd like, but, like, gah, no-underwear doesn't make you a pervert. Underwear is overrated. ( ̄へ ̄)

Those times when Hyunwoo thought Jihye was becoming "more real" (like when she was solid and the like), it was Jimin. Hyunwoo started to unconsciously reject Jihye's visions to the point that Jimin became invisible if his mole was hidden. Jimin stayed by Hyunwoo because the poor boy slowly fell for him deeply. Mama enlisted Jimin's help, so Jimin was deeply involved with everything and aware of everything.
The doctor was probably that webtoon artist's twin or something. They probably have bad blood or at the very least dislike having people know that they are related as demonstrated by the scowl the doc had when he lied and how the artist was helping at the clinic only to lie about his identity when he met Hyunwoo there. Which was definitely not nice for Hyunwoo's mental health, what with his visions and new hypothesises (???) about doppelgangers. (You know how in his hallucination 'Jihye' said that she could possess Jimin because they're doppelgangers, but since she was a hallucination, that was basically something Jimin came up with all on his own.)
I also think that that last hallucination of 'Jihye' saying that she couldn't meet him again was Hyunwoo's way of shutting the Jihye chapter for good. The only times he (unconsciously) allowed himself to hallucinate Jihye was when Jimin was pretend-fainted, after all.
So, like, what is confusing and what are the plot holes I do not understand.
If it's regarding the artist, then his was really not the focus, and they left things blurry. Some toxic dude fell for the toxic artist and the artist wasn't able to accept Jimin's completely selfless and devoted love for Hyunwoo and he finally gave up on him. At which point Mr Purple Hair moves in. Done. Ah, I called the artist toxic because... There's more than a little off about him, man. Having all those photos and freaking body pillows of your IRL crush isn't normal in any world. And he was a douche to Jimin right after being found out. Well, he did try to be better all the same, so props to him for that.
I may have said bad stuff about Hyunwoo, but I really can't help but pity him, man. I think the most stable and normal part of his life was loving Jihye. She made his life worth living. When you haven't a value for living and your main purpose is taken away... His mum really tried her best. There were things she wasn't completely right in, but ultimately, they all are just (fictional) humans.
And Jihye having cancer might have seemed a tad pointless, but think of it. She was struggling to hide it, and then Hyunwoo's mum, who's also suffering from cancer, winds up accidentally killing her. Telling her son that his dead girlfriend was hiding that she had cancer would be like an insane helping of extra guilt on top of what he was already suffering. And I think the same could be said of her own cancer; how could she tell her deeply suffering son that she was to die soon? She would have to see him mourn her while she was still alive.
In one way, it may seem selfish-like, but in another, even though the guilt would be higher later, at least he would only mourn her upon her death.
I think Jimin is a saint, putting up with all of this. He's like the clod, in the clod and pebble (it's a poem about love, sorry, cases of extreme love sometimes make me think of it). But I think that even this clod may be able to achieve a semblance of happiness. Or, well, I hope. What's important is that after all this, Hyunwoo is willing to try. That's insanely hard and brave.
Y'all so like the yam-based lube that Tachibana used was NOT an aphrodisiac. While domesticated yam isn't that bad, touching yam directly can cause itchiness. (You may have to go to the hospital if you touch wild yam, it's that strong, but domesticated yam is much milder and you can safely eat it). So that lube is using yam extract's itchiness as a stimulant for sexual play.
i have learned something new today..thank you ( ̄▽ ̄)