Finally! An update exactly after a year!!
Theo, i want massages too using those squishy jelly paws!
A red kuma bear?! So fluffy! I wanna have him!!
Ah finally a good ending!! Thank you for the massive uploads, uploader-san!!
Thank you for the mass update, uploader-san!!!
Prince, wanna choco taste too!! Pls give me some!
Please...can i have one cute rabbit as my friend??
I want the fat one
Nice one!! Love my cutie saria!!
Thank you for the mass upload of the official translation of this story!! I read few chapters but dropped it because of the wrong translations. Finally!! I get to read it in peace!! Much love and thanks to you akumakira!!
You're welcome~! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Mass update!! Thank you uploader-nim!
Finally! An update exactly after a year!!