ILoveYAiO's experience ( All 0 )

ILoveYAiO's answer ( All 0 )

ILoveYAiO's question ( All 1 )

about question
In some fantasy stories, there's a person who has a power to like talk to animals. It just made me think that if that person were to eat a pig or chicken or any live animal do they talk to them before eating them cuz from their power description is that they can talk to animals......anyway peace out (ㆁωㆁ)
09 08,2024

People are doing

did discord server

did yall remember the FashionLib dc server? idk what happened, i left that server after it got hacked or sumn idk

3 hours
did being a slut

a slut in theory, but not in practice

3 hours
did share your bullying story

gang made fun of me... because I was too sexy

3 hours