Oh man. Someone re-translating this, lol. I remember years ago getting pissed tf off at one of these girls but I can't recall the plot much. Maybe ill give it another go if they continue to update and I'm much stronger now, I survived Lily of the Valley(Streets), so this will prolly be a cake walk
My joy is way worse than lily of the streets. That pos was just straight up porn and not to be taken seriously.
My Joy on the other hand hits harder since it's more realistic and our innocent girl gets the worst treatment and ending. And damn, what a giant Cunt joy I'd, I'll take the horny duchess anytime over her.
I literally breezed thru all these chps in a single reading. I love how the author makes all these kids irredeemable little shits. Fuck these kids, none of them even have the slightest bit of remorse so I hope the mother continues to cook these little bitches.
That reveal at the end of chp 35 was so dumb I couldn't help but laugh. I can't wait off the next update tho, im hooked.
I was ready for toxic but damn. Are we about to throw in some incest too? Big sis is looking like a certified crashout.