Ok, imma start reading it, and see...

Ok, done reading to chapter 84.
Did like it. Many things going on. Romance is not untill 80+.. ML is a totally green flag. Very sweet. Supportive. And he is the one in love one-sidedly till 84. ML sister is really sweet too.
FL is practical. Not foolish. Learned from previous live. Even though she can take care of her matter herself but sometimes need help from ml.. But not all the time. Coz its evident that she can't handle the royal family herself right? She knows her tit bit of taking advantage of others pity, sympathy into practical use.
But the most thing that surprised me is how the ml changed physically completely different from his childhood. That’s really how?? (Family genetical issue, i understand but i miss how he changed.)
Anyways if anyone is thinking if you would read it or not. If you are for slow romance and for the story than its for you.
ok that was cool