Assasination becomes rape then Rape becomes pleasure, pleasure becomes not virgin then not virgin becomes responsibility and responsibility becomes marriage and then marriage becomes the peace. All at once !!
The most fun part for me is creating fake scenarios of the revenge and how they would be, and I'm sure I'll be disappointed with the real one but I cant wait much longer X****O (hope I'm wrong asl tho)
The most fun part for me is creating fake scenarios of the revenge and how they would be, and I'm sure I'll be disappointed with the real one but I cant wait much longer X****O (hope I'm wrong asl tho) kgigy
Totally,i just hope its as violent as i imagined with the goddesss , i can already imagine the goddess underestimating mimori touka ,and just when she reduce her defences , minori attacks and gets her....
Samee the anime is trash ep 2 was good in term of content but the animation is literally trash OuSama
Agreed Tsukimichi at least was animated well enough for me to stay watching even after I read the manga. And the awful animation stands out to me especially after rewatching FMA: Brotherhood and GITSAC
This is amazinggg ,i love everything in it honestly, idk why others hate it so much just cause a little bit of one sided romance