It's annoying how the story now only focused on Momo and He tian. I really want, more of Jian yi and Xian xixi's fluffs moments.

Yes, i also think that's the reason why the story focused more now on Momo and He tian. But it should be that despite they're more famous than the main characters, the main focus of the story are still in the Main characters/the main couple. They could've just made an another story for them or even do what they're doing now when Jian Yi and Xixi's relationship sailed, or when Jian Yi's father was introduced. Like, Jian Yi was kidnapped for like 2 or 3 times now because of his father, or if He and He tian are brothers (like???) I can't help but feel those we're just thrown under the bus. Just because they're more famous than the main characters doesn't mean that the Jian Yi and Xixi doesn't have their own fanbase or supporters. I love Momo and Hi tian, but i love Jian Yi and Xixi more... Sorry i know this is bullshit, I've been feeling this way for months now, i cried before i commented my comment because i really missed Jian Yi, i miss how the story was before.
Trying to marinate this manhwa after 2nd season but i just can't after being spoiled in FB i cane running here to read the updates and i can't wait to the next one (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻