Why did the aunt gave birth to big head thinking it was Yi's boyfriend son? Aren't they blood related?

The aunt didn’t give birth but also the aunt is using it thinking it’s yis boyfriends whatever tf it was called so later she can use the baby for inheritance but little did she know she played herself

And she also doesn’t give af if the baby daddy is related to her or not lmao if you couldn’t tell
The drawing is really nice but idk why the female lead looks like that, like she just looks from a different manwha, even the other minor characters are drawn better, I think is the eyes that bother me ,beside that the story is nice
o my god, you're right !!! she looks so different and out of place what the hell it's so weird lol
FACTS (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ She’s definitely out of place, like she’s still in the draft phase and needs to be touched up.