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tongtong May 13, 2024 5:58 pm

lily is getting way too much hate than she deserves. can’t you tell from the story that the duchess is taking advantage of her abandonment issues?
like seriously… calling her a sl*t and worse. i just can’t understand.

    haku May 13, 2024 11:59 pm

    i mean.. you can’t be that stupid to believe a total stranger that the person who loves you and has always been by your side left you and without even checking you hop in their bed to have sex. like wtf? even if she believed that (what was dumb) it was clear that she was just horny for the duchess and even without anna leaving she would fall to that temptation sooner or later. and for me she doesn’t deserve anna at all. she claims to love her but eventually she’s the same like the other people. she just wants that lust and sex, the „dirty” love anna’s been so afraid of, and „pure” love is not enough for her. is she a slvt? no. officially they’re not together. but i can’t help the feeling that she would be one if there were more duchesses and anna left for a second lol
    (just to be clear, i don’t think sex is dirty, but speaking as in anna’s pov)

    tongtong May 14, 2024 2:47 am
    i mean.. you can’t be that stupid to believe a total stranger that the person who loves you and has always been by your side left you and without even checking you hop in their bed to have sex. like wtf? even... haku

    This is such a dumb take.

    "you can’t be that stupid to believe a total stranger that the person who loves you and has always been by your side left you and without even checking you hop in their bed to have sex"

    First of all, before Anna "ran away," she rejected Lily, which undoubtedly caused both of them a great deal of pain. It was the Duchess who informed Lily that Anna had run away. Given the Duchess's portrayal as a confident figure of authority from the start of the story, it's unlikely that Lily would have any reason to doubt her. Why would the Duchess lie to her? Also, when Lily called out for Anna, she didn't respond which was probably something that had never happened before -> Likely adding to Lily's distress

    "it was clear that she was just horny for the duchess and even without anna leaving she would fall to that temptation sooner or later."

    I disagree. When Lily breaks down, she says, "I have nothing left. Anna is my everything. I only want her. Why is everyone abandoning me? I just want to be loved!" She only wants Anna, but Anna left her. Lily only slept with the Duchess because she was taken advantage of at her most vulnerable moment. The Duchess exploited Lily's desperation and emotional fragility and manipulated her into a situation she would not have otherwise chosen.

    "she claims to love her but eventually she’s the same like the other people. she just wants that lust and sex, the „dirty” love anna’s been so afraid of, and „pure” love is not enough for her."

    I really don't really understand what you mean. It's clearly shown that Anna's definition of love is not tied to sex. Even so, is it wrong to want to have sex with someone you love?

    tongtong May 14, 2024 2:48 am
    This is such a dumb take."you can’t be that stupid to believe a total stranger that the person who loves you and has always been by your side left you and without even checking you hop in their bed to have se... tongtong

    For the last part, I meant to say Lily's definition of love, not Anna.

    haku May 14, 2024 6:34 pm
    This is such a dumb take."you can’t be that stupid to believe a total stranger that the person who loves you and has always been by your side left you and without even checking you hop in their bed to have se... tongtong

    LOL read it again
    from the start of the story there were many rumours that the duchess was a bad person, even lily called her promiscuous (depending on the translations it may vary, but the message was one - the duchess is not a good person, she calls many women to her chambers and called for lily as well to be her toy.

    “lily only slept with the duchess because…” no, i don’t agree as well. she was curious about her from the moment she saw her. look at her expressions. she almost kissed her at the party, and they just met. and surprise, anna was still there, there was no vulnerable moment for poor little lily that time. anna was with her as well that night in bed but out of curiosity she went to the duchess’s room at night (remember the rumours? well screw it, let’s go to the promiscuous lady at night because what could go wrong right:)))?). she was curious because the duchess answered the sexual tension lily felt, that anna rejected. because it’s not like anna told her she doesn’t love her, she never rejected her love, she just didn’t want to have sex with her and that’s a big difference. lily had the pure love from anna but it was not enough for her. that’s why i think she would do it with the duchess (or other beauties) even if anna was still there. sooner or later she would fall for that, the only way for it to not happen was that anna would eventually agree to make love to her. is that okay? for me it’s a big fat no, because if you love someone you don’t do shit behind their back, you don’t force them especially if you know about their past, you’re supposed to work it out together without some stranger lady fingering your pussy. but that’s just me and my opinion.

    and the duchess took advantage of her? did she? okay, she took advantage of the situation, she made anna go and lied, but it’s not like she forced lily to have sex with her lol. lily KNEW what kind of person the duchess was and she still went for it, she even cried “i love you duchess” omg poor lily:((((… again, i think she wanted to explore the other kind of love and the duchess was the best option for it. even if she did it unintentionally she wanted it.
    look, if she was in distress from anna’s absence did she have to sleep with the duchess? idk about you but that’s the last thing i’d be thinking about if the person i love went away. what if someone kidnapped her? what if something else happened? what if she had to leave for a moment? you’re right with one thing, they argued so for me it would be obvious to think that maybe i went too far, let’s talk, let’s apologise,i have to find them, let’s assure her that her being a maid doesn’t matter to me. but no, lily didn’t even try to go after her, even as the duchess said she’d send people to stop anna. she just went and without thinking opened her legs because why not lol

    english is not my first language, i’m still learning so maybe i can’t word it properly, but what i mean:
    anna’s love is platonic, let’s say agape love. well not really, because we see in the latest chapter that she also sees lily in a sexual way but she’s scared of sex, lust, she thinks it’s filthy. and that’s okay, you don’t have to force yourself to have sex just because the other one wants it.
    the duchess’s love is sexual, let’s say eros love. everything anna’s afraid of. and that’s okay, you can have sex with whoever you want, she’s not obligated to be loyal to one person. also, she never hid it, she even told lily about it as she seduced her.
    and lily’s love is still uncertain. she’s at the stage of curiosity. she claims she’s in love with anna, but she is curious about the lustful love. and since anna didn’t give it to her, she goes to the duchess. and that’s okay, you don’t have to force yourself to abstain from sex just because the other one doesn’t want it. but here’s the BUT, she told anna she loves her and she knew anna loves her as well. don’t even start with the ohh but she thought anna left her and she was scared. did she really have no reason to trust anna? didn’t they spend many years together? wasn’t anna always by her side, even when everyone else left her? what was the reason she doubted her at the time? because she didn’t want to have sex? that’s so stupid and that’s what’s a dumb take.

    i think the author wanted it to happen so that the three women explore the different love they never knew.
    anna will fight for lily, she will finally break free from her fear of sex and seeing lily this way with the duchess will be the reason. she will explore eros.
    the duchess will probably learn the pure love, agape, either by seeing lily and anna being madly in love with each other despite one being a maid and the other one falling into her temptation, or by falling in love herself with lily.
    and lily, as we can see, is not loosing any second and is already exploring the eros love with the duchess. she will probably realise that it’s not enough and the real love is the one she has with anna blah blah blah.
    let’s see how it goes, i’m curious myself despite lily being so dumb but please, don’t make her any dumber than she already is..

    tongtong May 14, 2024 7:26 pm
    LOL read it againokay..from the start of the story there were many rumours that the duchess was a bad person, even lily called her promiscuous (depending on the translations it may vary, but the message was one... haku

    i see ur point for me i just didn’t like how you characterized lily in your first comment. in my perspective it was like you were putting the full blame on lily without seeing the bigger picture of the situation…i think you explained it a lot better in this reply and i agree w you. also yeah i realized i read your comment wrong but i thought it was too late to take it back ORZ

    haku May 14, 2024 7:52 pm
    i see ur point for me i just didn’t like how you characterized lily in your first comment. in my perspective it was like you were putting the full blame on lily without seeing the bigger picture of the situat... tongtong

    i just don’t like her character and tbh i put the full blame on her haha. maybe i’m too biased but people like her irritate me…
    for me she cheated on anna for no reason. one can disagree because they’re not officially in a relationship but is it a relationship only when sex happens? sexless stuff exists and they were supposed to be the only ones for each other, they both confessed their feelings

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