I have noticed that a lot of people are saying that DG should not be with Alex. The whole point of Alex being a jerk is odviously for character development. Alex will most likely eventually fall for DG. In some readings the relationship develops fast, sometimes too fast, so much that the relationship isn't all that important to the reader. But when a relationship takes time and when you see the character's development in what they feel for the other person it makes the reader feel so happy when the characters do finally find themselves together
I've seen some SPOILERS online and coming up Alex is drunk and acts very cute and is very affectionate towards DG.
and I think what makes it so adorable is that we aren't used to seeing Alex act this way, its only an example of the character development
I really enjoy this story and I'm sure a lot of you do as well.
I had completely forgotten about the part of the story with the toys and the double penetration until reading the comments. I might have completely forgotten about it because I didn't want to remember that it had happened. I love this story but I would have liked it a lot better if those scenes were not included. Though this may just be a story, it is important to remember that you should never stay with someone who would hit you or do anything to you that you did not consent to.
i agree bb