Wondering how the emperor is managing his empire given how reckless he is with his decisions. Istfg his brain doesnt have any wrinkles, does it? He wants to announce now that shes his daughter, when he could barely retaliate against the empress?????how is he going to protect shushu from that red btch's claws????is he going to use the smoothness of his brain to reflect and deflect every danger???? He should have strived instead to strengthen his political power first— to the point where the empress' family's contribution is barely needed anymore— then find some incriminating evidence against the empress and her family(or better yet, fabricate) so that he can oust her from the position. ONLY THEN should he think about getting his daughter back—when the environment is already safe. Frickin shrimp brain.
Im so happyyy im cryyyiiiiiingggg