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Nyay March 25, 2025 11:19 am

I just really adore the way both of them were blessed with extremely good friends

Nyay March 16, 2025 6:50 pm

But man am I living for this, Jaehyuk deserves a bit of this chaos after what he put Garam thru LMAO, and hopefully this way Garam will be more reassured with how much Jaehyuk loves him.

Nyay's questions ( All 6 )

Nyay April 3, 2024 9:48 pm

Probably an odd and (maybe inappropriate) question, but there's a really good manga on here that already has two sequels. Was kinda hoping a group would pick it up.

If you guys have any leads or know any groups, please drop them below. I'm willing to search for the raws or even buy them, if ever.

Also, the work I'm referring to is Ameagari no Bokura ni Tsuite
and its sequels.

Nyay January 29, 2024 12:19 am

It's about an actor, whose family is a really big deal in shamanism, that was being manipulated by his agency's CEO into tricking a certain character (Love interest), he died as a consequence for his actions, but was reborn so he decided to be a better person.

I remember reading this, but not finishing it. Really appreciate the help!

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Tell me one thing about yourself 03-21 19:00

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