I have an income, yet I still read shit on this site, because there’s no way in hell I’d pay a shitton of money upfront for a product, I don’t even know whether I’ll like or not. Webcomic sites’ rates are ridiculously high, so no thank you. Not until I know for sure, I’m liking what I’m reading. Not to mention english digital manga si......
This stupid bitch just played herself. She could’ve been civil, and ask for the removal of the manga from mangago, and settle things with the uploader via DMs, but she chose the batshit crazy route instead. There’s no way her shit will ever sell in the west after this drama (well, I doubt her work sold well even before, because of how bad overa......
First of all, lets make it a rule from now on, if the work is totally loco, crazy, which mentally sane person could even think of this, then lets just not like upload it, cause remember y'all someone made that totally messed up piece of work.
Second this whole situation is sad and it's sad because Lezhin is making them believe illegal readers are t......