I read chapter 19 of "under the green light" and your work was amazing.
Could you please pick up "radio storm" as well?
The story is captivating but uploading team just doesn't continue to upload.It's been more than 1 month .We readers will appreciate your efforts

Sorry for the late reply. Thank you appreciating my teams effort. I'm just continuing what my teammate started. With regards with radio storm I think the previous team who uploaded the recent update was messaged by rose scan squad. It's a clear indication that they will continue to give us updates. Let's be patient for we all know they are a God level's scan . Have a nice day

I dont wanna be rude and I know people are glad you continued to update this, but next time please contact the grp, who picked it up first
the grp was still working on it and already had the next 3 chapters prepared, just not uploaded on here yet.
a little bit of communication shouldn't be too much to ask of x:

Hello! The first trans team’s last update was march (chapter 1)... that’s too long ago and riza chan been uploading since then, started last may and now it’s on chapter 6. u just noticed yesterday? Also not all stand alone translator have discord app and no details written of who uploaded the chapter 1... i dont think she needs to contact the previous uploader not unless the story was recently or continuously updated.

Hey there, I'm not telling her to stop uploading, not my place to do that. So I dont see the reason why there's being complained about me ''noticing the update 1 month later'' Sure 2 months i s a long time, the project was being updated and uploaded on other websites, including the scan grps own webpage. with a little bit of communication she whouldnt have had to put time into smth thats already being worked at. And there was and still is definitely enough information on the first 2 grps, that work as a collab on this project. Anyone could have found out a way to contact them, since they have tumblr etcetc.
I still think its shitty to take over smth without talking about it first, doesnt matter how long the last update has been. You never know if there are still people putting their love, sweat and effort into it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Hi there! My point on my message was, if the previous group really is concerned with the story here in this site, they would have gone checked it for few times over the last 3 MONTHS but they just noticed it yesterday which is quite weird on some sense. Also, i did not mention about you telling riza chan to stop uploading. I was stretching out that if they (previous group) want to upload here, they would have done it already since u said they’ve already prepared the next 3 chaps (which isnt clear which chapter u mean coz its either ch 2 until 4 or ch 7 until 9) but they chose NOT TO, YET which the YET took ages. And like I said earlier, she has no means to contact them but the group can contact her anytime coz her name as an uploaded/translator was written on in this site and NO NEED TO CONTACT if the story is NOT CONTINUOUSLY UPDATED.

Great job beh for your team.
Thank you for this bara
Thank you
Thanks for your hard work, can we get link to the raw please ?