gosh I dislike that they put the colored long strip and manga under the same title here, they should be separate.
also rip I wish the manga format was still getting fanslations, or better yet official translation. it has up to chapter 62 for the raws.
it may just be me but I like the black n white manga format better than the colored long strip webtoon format.

I was just thinking about this series the other day

sad man cat dad created a topic of 31st Consort

I'ma take a guess that she presents herself innocently but really isn't

all the extra chapters were even cuter ugh this story is a real cute short read

i thought the cousin hidmillan was attractive and then his personality came out and was instantly like 'oh...nvm...no thanks'

i neeeeeeeed the next chapter asap I want to see the sibling reunite and for the sister to get a scolding for killing mc lol

Ima be sad tho if she ever encounters the wolf knight love interest tho since she wouldn't know that is the bodies brother probably

does anyone got story recommendations that has a similar or wholesome dynamic to this story?
I hope season 2 starts up soon cause this is too good

spoils for ch 46 if haven't read yet

I figured the wolf girl maid (sister of the wolf guy knight) would end up being mc's previous world's sister that she had transmigrated
now I wonder how she ended up transmigrating (like she should of def gon to jail if she really killed her brother)
also would be great if the two siblings recognize each other, maybe big sis can actually help her brother in this life after knocking him dead and getting him into this mess

just need to move on, they don't mesh well and always end up doing something the other hates like if they got together I can't see it being anything but constant fighting, like bitter old couples that should of divorced already.

I remember dropping this and decided to re-read and give it another chance and yeah, I still not a big fan of the main relationship

don't get me wrong, when getting past them meeting and instantly fl catches feels then yeah, there are cute moments between the two, but it still feels so empty when there was no pay off to getting those moments. it was not until way later in the story when they have actually gotten to know each other better did I start to feel anything (mainly from actually seeing daniel's developing feelings).

but! there was so little initial development between the two. everyone else had some kind of development from the start meeting and progressively seeing their thoughts and views change to how they came to like FL. it feels like daniel is just thrown at us and believe there is chemistry with no build up at the start. it felt sudden and any development was an afterthought. they were already lined up to falling in love from the first meeting, so it just makes seeing his feelings grow feel so unrewarding since they were basically already a thing .

We knew of his existence since the start of the story but he was barely there until midway, we didn't get to know his character until all of a sudden he was the main focus of interest for her affection and it is so vexing for FL to instantly catch feelings for him I just wish we got to see both sides of the relationship developing feelings. We got to see how Daniel's feelings changed and developed towards the later part of the series. it is just frustrating to me.

what a cliff hanger of a chapter to catch up to

so sad we only have 3 more chapter to go too, hope the ending is satisfying or we get some extra chapters maybe idk
22.5 had me crying the entire chapter, feels like the extra chapters always hit hard with this manga

I want to read this but the translation leaves much to be desired


ugh why do I gotta be more interested in the side couple
I just wanna read about them

so like spoiler if haven't read ch 23/24

is the chapter missing pages cause they say let's duel and then the next scene jumps to the aftermath of devil dude being hurt?? and ch 24 starts with ex getting chewed out over the ordeal but we didn't even see what happened? are we not supposed to? the TL so rough that if it was meant to be told to us instead of shown (which I hate when stories do that) then I did not pick up on that

tbh don't care enough about any of them to want any to be ML
the crown prince at least willing to listen to boundaries, how well he abides by them we shall see (but if he was the one to assault MC then oof nah go in trash too)
don't know enough about the beast guy to feel anything. hey, maybe we find out he is the chillest love interest? who knows. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

tbh I like the scruffy hair

if it was the duke that was with him that night how did the duke get there? we haven't seen him in the school yet unless next chapter he gets introduced as a late attendee
also wow people really do a 180 so easily in this story, like glad they aren't gonna treat him shittily anymore when he hasn't done anything in years
and I hate the last line cliff hanger at the end, I suspect that all the love interests are going to be introduced by that line? maybe? idk

I can't even blame the original maythan for beating them up before MC transmigrated when those 3 boys were literally bullying the OG, like damn the nobles in this story so petty (I can't really blame a kid for acting out when everyone, even adults, treated him badly.)

I support marla and alistar, but I know that's not how to story goes
I think Margary still one-sidedly like him but in hardcore denial. feel a bit bad for her but girl should just move on

probably better to wait for official translations to be posted tbh