juice add 1 photos to random shits


juice add 1 photos to random shits


juice like the answer
I agree with most of this, but to be fair, they're fictional characters. Yeah, I get it, if they were real people it wouldn't be OK, but they're not real people. As long as people's ships have some good reasoning and aren't illegal or incest shit then who cares. It's not fetishization to ship two characters of the same gender without confirmation, ......
juice like the answer
Idk they want thier hard works to be paid by people? There's still more Bl's and shounen Ai manga's to read anyway
juice like the answer
The skin in our lips is the same skin in our butthole, Goddammit im spilling bullshit again
juice like the answer
I don't like how in stories where the ml kills the fl and her family and things like that, people read ONE chapter of it and decide, ah i hate this ml for hurting the fl like stop being prejudiced. Like haven't you considered that there was a FUCKING REASON WHY? and plus, you should (kinda) see it coming, because these (often) historical manhwas we......
juice like the answer
yeah yeah y/n fanfics with fictional characters are bad, but those ones of the real people... that’s the real scary shit, like, what in the ever living hell do you think you are and what the fuck are you doing?
juice like photo (from Memes)
juice followed a list
22 05,2022
juice followed a list

male leads that regret treating their significant others like shit, ignoring them, rejecting them, etc. 

dont your heart just clenches hard and your lungs cease to exist whenever you read a character that regrets letting go their significant other? that realization of wanting to be with them but they're already far away? that horror in their faces when they realize that them moving on means they'll be with someone else instead? their anxiety rising while thinking, "what if i am too late?" 

15 05,2022
juice like the answer
Are you asking whether I hate 1.4 billion people I haven't met