I just wanna stop and say that Akihiko is one of the strongest characters I've ever read. Twice, i thought here comes the long angst (not that i mind).But twice, he fought for their relationships. With what? With thinking things over, trying to figure out what went wrong and then communicating with his partner. And it worked. He's amazing. I love him so much. <3
So this is one of the most romantic emotional phrases ever. This panel caught me off guard.
This chapter was very emotional. It is very relatable too. Someone with a big family will understand even more. The older you grow, the more tiring it becomes. Even if you're not in the lgbtq community, the case of marriage is a serious problem! Everytime i meet one of my relatives, they call me "bride" as a form of greeting. I'm sure anyone arab will understand. They use the term to describe an unmarried young woman. It doesn't matter what's you job or likes and dislikes. All that matters is whether you're married and with kids or not. It's exhausting. Sometimes I do wish i have a very small family.
What's interesting is that i found out even in eastern asian countries (japan, korea..) that this is also true! Family is very much respected and not always in a good positive way. It's actually sad.
Hwan wen doesn't deserve all the burden his grandfather puts on him, even if he means well. An adult should know better. I just hope he doesn't listen to him and that what his heart wants is what matters! <3
Preach, my girl preach. Every word of this could've been from me