It will probably follow the Light Novel with some it's own elements sprinkled in. Web Novels have a lot less editing and are unprofessional so they don't cut out the needless parts
It will probably follow the Light Novel with some it's own elements sprinkled in. Web Novels have a lot less editing and are unprofessional so they don't cut out the needless parts kuromiko
I read both versions and a lot was changed in the light novel.
It will probably follow the Light Novel with some it's own elements sprinkled in. Web Novels have a lot less editing and are unprofessional so they don't cut out the needless parts kuromiko
I read both versions and a lot was changed in the light novel. Skye
What do you think is better? I have only read the light novel, mainly because the web novel translation is not official and may contain some grammar error, it's sometimes confusing.
What do you think is better? I have only read the light novel, mainly because the web novel translation is not official and may contain some grammar error, it's sometimes confusing. Ladzy
Actually, the web novel for Spider is not too bad. Personally, I like the web novel since it gives an explaination for some actions that the characters take. In light novel, they usually just change an entire part and it doesn't make much sense.
Actually, the web novel for Spider is not too bad. Personally, I like the web novel since it gives an explaination for some actions that the characters take. In light novel, they usually just change an entire p... Skye
hmm, I see... I might give it a try. At what chapter is it translated now? Is it past volume 8?
Instead of the manga, I read the Light Novel version. I'm actually curious to see if it will follow the Light Novel or Web Novel.
Wait, I'm not really into teading the light novel, but if you have the link, can you please tell it to me?
I actually have the physical copies for the light novels but I can search for if.
It will probably follow the Light Novel with some it's own elements sprinkled in. Web Novels have a lot less editing and are unprofessional so they don't cut out the needless parts
I read both versions and a lot was changed in the light novel.
Sorry, I replied to the wrong place!
I actually have the physical copies of the light novels but I can search for it.
I agree.
What do you think is better? I have only read the light novel, mainly because the web novel translation is not official and may contain some grammar error, it's sometimes confusing.
Actually, the web novel for Spider is not too bad. Personally, I like the web novel since it gives an explaination for some actions that the characters take. In light novel, they usually just change an entire part and it doesn't make much sense.
hmm, I see... I might give it a try. At what chapter is it translated now? Is it past volume 8?
Last time I checked, it was at chapter 335. And yes, it's past volume it. But I highly recommend reading it from the beginning because of the changes.