Hello✨ followed question about question

So I was talking to my cousin the other day. Everything was fine until she justify 'rape'. I was like what the fuck but she said "it was okay if both the parties give their consent so wouldn't it be consensual sex??? Then how is it rape??" I said, "but if one says no and other is forcing them then what??? She was like 'you are so dramatic'. Da hell......

19 07,2021
Hello✨ shared experience about handwriting
I suck writing in pen and pencil too.
Hello✨ answered question about eat dessert
Hello✨ followed question about eat dessert

I'll eat you for breakfast, lunch and dinner __________________________________________________________________________ TW: I'll tear your hair Tear your skin from the flesh, The satisfying sounds of you screaming and the squelch of the skin peeling off... I'll pick your flesh out. I'll try to keep you alive as long as I can so that you too can e......

19 07,2021
Hello✨ answered question about eat dessert
AH!️ yamete..onii-san.. dont..I'm going to cum..
Hello✨ followed question about first kiss

Who's your favorite ship?

19 07,2021
Hello✨ followed question about coming out

I can't find anyone to ask so, My LGBTQ + Baddies or anyone really I need help, I want to slowly show signs that im BI to my family so that when I officially do come out they wouldn't be that angry/surprised/sad/disapionted? I did do research but im anxious and overthink shit.

19 07,2021
Hello✨ followed question about question


19 07,2021