The Scanlator said this was licensed, does anyone happen to know where?

Nevermind I found it!
https://www.rottenblossoms.net/iroha Just in case anyone else is interested

I understand you intentions uploader person, but you stole everything and put up this poor quality excuse of a chapter. None of this was yours to upload. There’s a group working on it, most people want to wait for that. If people don’t want to wait, some mild digging around the internet is where they can find these spoilers and read them there.
Hopefully this gets taken down.

The license version that hasn’t been updated since volume 3 and is in a shithole of who knows who’s gonna produce volume 4 since 2017? Well once that gets figured out I’ll buy volume 4 too, but that’s not really my point to the post. These images were posted without any consent from the original uploader. There is an active scan group who is working in this and will put up a better quality scan of this chapter. The images uploaded were never meant for a manga website, and obviously from looking at the chapter it’s laid out as such.

I buy anything Yoneda Kou sells and the Renta-June wars over this is ruining any english release. renta doesn't tell us anything, they haven't released anything since they took over 2 YEARS AGO and they're not giving us physical volumes. Lustfulcat and Saezuru Steve have done us all a favor by keeping us in the english story and I'm thankful to them for it all
Okay we need a driver spin off he stole this chapter, let’s goooo