Aimen answered question about tried to kill yourself
I feel like maybe you live in my country because I live in a Islamic country in the south of asia. Your situation is terrible and I hope I can help somehow because I hate just seeing innocent kids suffer like this. I'm really sorry for what's happening to you but I can't stop you from the choices you make because only you know how much pain your......
Aimen answered question about make a picrew
Hey, you're hot...wanna hold hands in a non-heterosexual manner? ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
Aimen asked question about yall ever just feel sad

Washing after using the toilet will forever be more hygenic then just wiping. Ppl who only wipe have a smelly butt and everything else down there.

Aimen answered question about sexual orientation
I hate women but I'm also a lesbian
Aimen answered question about sleepless night
Its okay to kill people if they deserved it. People who murdered pedos and other types of abusers shouldn't be put in jail ( ̄へ ̄)
Aimen answered question about test your personality type
Well atleast I'm not too narcissistic ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Aimen answered question about have an unpopular opinion
NGL I look hella fine (⌐■-■) Also I am 5'3 and olive skinned so kinda close (◕ᴗ◕✿)
Aimen asked question about did a pov

Aimen asked question about be a dumb bitch

How would you survive a massive world war if it was about to happen any moment now?

Aimen answered question about talk with a dumb person
I don't mind rejecting men with civility but when they say its my fault that they're in Love even though we were just friends, I end up going all out then. I told this one guy who was telling me to "take responsibility for his feeling cuz its my fault" that I didn't hold him houstage at gunpoint with a gun over his head telling him to fall for me.......
Aimen answered question about imagine being railed to sleep
OP, I found what you were looking for Also, I am done with humanityヽ(`Д´)ノ
Aimen answered question about question
Attend all the lectures and write down whatever the teacher/professor is explaining regarding the topics. Review and extract notes out of the powerpoint material provided. Google words you don't know the meaning off from the power point provided and even from the notes. Google topics written in your powerpoint and look at the articles and wikis......
Aimen answered question about question
Aimen answered question about imagine being railed to sleep
Its not gay, if you're wearing socks
Aimen answered question about reading visual novels
2ne1, LOON∆, Miss A, Girls Generation (SNSD), 4minute and f(x)
Aimen answered question about why are you a virgin
Roaches don't only fly here but some also grow long legs that make them jump on you
Aimen answered question about question
Sure sure, you can be a donkey and a rabbit at the same time! You can be anything these days. You can grow tales and wings and jump off a cliff and fly too! Does anyone to try?