I hope the translation team doesn't drop this manhwa because I want to finish this. Even if it's toxic, abusive and homophobic. Because even thought I'm a lesbian, I still want to read stories that are a bit (even a tiny bit) realistic. Some comments stated that the sisters of the ML (top) was homophobic. I wanna know why that is. I wanna know why she's homophobic. Is it due to her own fears of homosexuality? Her own ignorance? Her misunderstandings? Or due to her own need for heterosexual conformity?
It could be that she might be suppressing her own sexual desires from surfacing and this may lead to internalized homophobia.
I mean...I could be wrong though but I wanna know the entire story too so I can come to my own conclusion about it. I wanna understand it and I wanna understand each of the characters and figure them out.
So I'm hoping to finish this too.
Also, the potential love interest of the ML (i.e. The Bottom) sucks balls. I hate this guy. I dunno why but he seems like douche who treats women like his personal play things, to be used and then disposed into the trash. I feel like he's a piece of shit who doesn't respect people or treats them with dignity and I think that the ML (top) deserves a better person to be his love interest (lookism can go to hell, his personality is ugly any ways :b)