Geek Goddess's feed

Geek Goddess created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Dressed like a Pauper?? I know the comments are fake/in-story, but that pissed me off. Has any of them ever seen what a "pauper" would look like?? He's literally in a tank and pants, with slippers--casual wear. And people are really like those commenter too. Bashing someone, calling them poor, or whatever, for dressed in sweats....ALL THE WHILE BEHIND THEIR SCREEN WEARING THE SAME FUCKING THING. I guess the Author reeeally hit the nail on media and its audiences. Lolol Its got me here mad af as if Taemoon is a real person. Besides, the bastard is so HOTTTTT that he could wear a potato sack with rice bags for shoes and STILL look good.