Can someone explain something to me? So the black haired bastard...I mean guy looked to be huge with his clothes on. I also see in the comments everybody saying he's the same size as Hyesung (ML) so, I know y'all saw him the way that I did. BUT when MC was taking Black Hair's measurements with his shirt off, he was clearly on the skinny side and smaller that Hyesung. Is it just me that sees this??
Bc I was saying the same thing y'all were saying, "He could've chosen Hyesung to be his model if he was gonna choose Black Hair." But then seeing the guy with his shirt off....he ain't that big. Maybe it's bc we're seeing him from just the side too, but look at his arm and torso. He looks significantly smaller than Hyesung to me, which would make since (in my mind) that MC chose him to be the model instead of Hyesung.
I don't know. It's probably just me that sees it this way and that's fine, but it's frustrating bc with his clothes on, he looks HUGE, but with his shirt off, I looked at his body and said, "...um, that's it??" Why is he so big with his clothes on (not even that many layers--looked to be a top and jacket), yet small with them off?? And if if is that way, why in the hell was he drawn like that?? It's throwing me off and freaking annoying to boot. Also, it could be me trying to give MC an excuse as to why he chose this guy over Hyesung (because it doesn't make sense that he did!!! )