TL/DR: Lina was found out. Then Seria needing Rouche's heart. Why was everything rushed??
So Callis divorces Lina and during the proceedings, the Priests find out that Lina is made up of demonic energy, she's put on trial (with the Keliden Brother), and BAM she's locked in Holy Jail.
Like.....I literally heard CRICKETS during all of this. One of the biggest moments in the story--Lina being revealed to not be a Saint--and it was so watered down. It was like a flat diet soda. Like kool-aid with no sugar. Like cold McDonald's fries. Like eating a Popeye's biscuit with no drink. That whole part was so stale! I was getting into it, too. The Keliden Bro being a dick. Him killing a Knight. Rouche jumping out of the shadows like a sexy anti-hero/villain outta a K-Drama. Finding out Seria didn't fall for the trap and why. Cassius doing something selfless and right, for a change, and divorcing Lina. It was getting so good!
Then Lina's caught with Bro, and put into jail. And Bro's gonna get Marie Antoinette'd. Why was it all rushed???