Seonwoo is the most proverted-ass, freaky-ass, horny-ass, simping-ass, stanning-ass, sexy-ass mfer out there AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!
Barf Bags! Get your Barf Bags here! Got'em in all colors, folks. Who needs a Barf Bag? Comes with a free bottle of Ginger Ale to settle your stomach and Eye Bleach to clean your eyes free of the naked creep.
Now you know how a loooot of us feel Navi. 87.4% of Secondary Male Characters are wayyyy hotter than the Leads and we're stuck wanting them, instead of the Leads.
Ooooh, I see. I'm hooked. So this is kinda like Double Trap, I guess? Kinda sorta maybe? We shall see. <3
And like for D.T., I won't be able to choose between the Real Seme and the Other Personality Seme, even tho O.P.S. is psychotic......bc somewhere, somehow I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally attracted to Psychos. The "Why??" is yet to be determined (and probably never will be.).
The new chapters go 16, 14, 17. Is there a Chapter 15?? And they're uploaded out of order. Does it matter that we read it out of order or....?
Hey guys! I haven't read thus yet, but it's bookmarked. I do wanna ask what is a Constellation Uke? I know what Constellation is but is this like a "Verse" like Omegaverse, Guideverse, Cakeverse, nameverse, etc.?
"Perhaps the heat is messing with my head." Sure, Illic. Blame it on the heat. His denial is longer than a certain river in Egypt.
Anybody know where I can read the story of the Yandere guy in the Poster's pic? The one with the knife. "You....dropped...this..." I tried to search it but got other stuff and not the actual name of the story.
Yeah.....I'm gonna have to wait until this is completed before I read anymore. The ML is disgusting. Everyone is disgusting and the spoiler I just read in the comments about Favian...why even have him in this story?? He didn't deserve that. I want everyone in this to basically choke on a dick, with a hot sword up the asshole, and DIE. I even want the FL to die bc death would be better than the life she has right now, the poor thing. No one deserves even to breathe on the same planet as her. Except Favian, the poor bastard.
Hmmm....of course the husband is a piece of shit. I'm gonna have to let this one gain some more chapters before I can read it. I'm getting pissed already so, I need to just let this one sit.
I love it when a ML has dimples (I have them myself), but I wonder why do the Artists place them so far back on the cheeks??? I've noticed in stories like Roses & Champagne, Caesar - the Seme and Miscreants & Mayhem, Nanmu - the Uke, have dimples but they're placed like nearly close to their ears. Is this just me? Does anyone else notice this? Is there a reason they're placed so far back on the cheeks?
Why are Psychos fine af?? Not all of them, but there are those that.....are fine af. We shouldn't romanticize shit like this, but it's kinda hard sometimes when you actually know a Psycho and they are fine af.
Dressed like a Pauper?? I know the comments are fake/in-story, but that pissed me off. Has any of them ever seen what a "pauper" would look like?? He's literally in a tank and pants, with slippers--casual wear. And people are really like those commenter too. Bashing someone, calling them poor, or whatever, for dressed in sweats....ALL THE WHILE BEHIND THEIR SCREEN WEARING THE SAME FUCKING THING. I guess the Author reeeally hit the nail on media and its audiences. Lolol Its got me here mad af as if Taemoon is a real person. Besides, the bastard is so HOTTTTT that he could wear a potato sack with rice bags for shoes and STILL look good.
I legit guffawed at Duke Cetro trying to drink his tea while shaking and trembling Lmaooo. I guess it's not every day that he walks in on the Hero Knight getting his pussy eatened out by his butler and pet (??) wolf.
Is it just me or does one of the guys on the phone look like Gyuwon's subordinate?? What kinda fuck-shit is he about to do? He's going to find out quick not to mess with Hwayoung's Kitty (and the other way around, too).
He really said, with his whole ass chest, "Monster Cock is the best!! <3<3<3<3"
I, personally, have never had Monster Dick, but you what? "Laissez les bons temps rouler!" Now....does anybody know where I can find some good looking Monsters?
*clap.........clap..........clap.......clap.....clap....clap...clap...clap..clap..clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap* FINALLY!!! Finally the communication is here! It's a breakthrough, though we don't know how long it will last. And that communication is about 80-something chapters too late, but sometimes.....IT JUST BE LIKE THAT.
Hopefully, with this breakthrough comes a little bit of understanding (or at least the effort to understand) and they need to listen to each other and slowly teach each other what the other doesn't know.
We're getting somewhere here--yes, very slowly--but it's a start.
"I shall call him Heesung-Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Heesung-Squishy. Come on, Heesung-Squishy! Come on, little Heesung-Squishy." ~ Geek-Dory
Jesus Quincy Bartholomew Christ!
When Heesung broke down and cried, as a puppy, it broke my heart into a million pieces. I'm sitting here with my own two doggy-babies (who forget they are full grown, HEAVY, adult dogs and not tiny puppies) in my arms giving them some good scratches; If they were able to cry like this, I think I would literally fall to my knees and wail. We need to form a Guild or Organization or something that is Dedicated to the Protection of Heesung/Puppy Heesung.
"I'm a man of my word." weren't always a man of your word. You led Ho-In on and then there was that time you promised to go to him, but you fucked your childhood bestfriend/toxic lover and then ran to Ho-In at the last minute, nearly driving our sexy Sly Fox crazy and to literal tears when you told him what you and why you were late.
On the other hand.....
I can see the changes Cheonwoo has made and honestly, he's one of those characters that actually grow, within the story, from what they were at first. Yeah, it was at the end and in the Side Stories. But, still.....he's made a LOT of effort and I'm genuinely happy to see them happy. Especially Ho-In.